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Displaying 51 - 75 of 121

Comparison: Co-60 Absorbed Dose for High-Dose Dosimetry

The NIST comparison demonstrated the need to know the participant's calibration scheme and dose rates, as well as the inclusion of an additional dose level (1 kGy, in addition to 5 kGy, 15 kGy, and 30 kGy). The rationale for modifying the protocol was based on the recent NIST characterization of a

Comparisons (Archive): International Comparison of Tc-99 Activity

Measurements by NIST on the solution were performed by three methods: viz., liquid scintillation (LS) standardizations (with 3H-standard efficiency tracing); with triple-to-double-coincidence ratio (TDCR) method; and with by 4ηβ(LS)-γ(NaI) live-timed anticoincidence (LTAC) measurements. Impurities

Comparisons (Archive): International Comparison of Pu-241 Activity

Quantitation of 241Pu in low-level waste and environmental samples is of interest because 241Pu is a precursor of other transuranium nuclides that have longer half-lives, greater environmental mobility, and greater toxicity. In addition, 241Pu is the most difficult of the plutonium isotopes to

Comparisons: NIST Participation in International Intercomparisons

The NIST Radioactivity Group pilots and participates in a variety of different comparison activities. The BIPM’s Consultative Committee on Ionizing Radiation (CCRI) organizes formal comparisons (“key comparisons”) of long-lived radionuclides through its Key Comparison Working Group (KCWG-II). As

Comparisons: Radiological Traceability Program (RTP)

The RTP provides an annual exchange of PT materials between NIST and RESL. It is designed to provide a mechanism for evaluating the ability of RESL scientists to prepare PT materials containing known activities of various radionuclides (Table 1), and to analyze materials of unknown activities in 6

Detector-based color scale

The expanded uncertainty of the NIST primary color-temperature lamp-standards is 8 K ( k=2). However, both the long-term stability and the spectral distribution of the lamps can significantly change with burning time. By performing the tristimulus colorimeter calibrations against detector standards

Documentary Standards: ANSI/IEEE N42.42 Standard

The ANSI/IEEE N42.42 standard specifies the XML data format that shall be used for both required and optional data to be made available by radiation measurement instruments. The performance requirements for these types of instruments are described in other standards. The output from these

Documentary Standards: IEC 62755 Standard N42 Data Format

The IEC 62755 standard specifies the XML data format that shall be used for both required and optional data to be made available by radiation measurement instruments. The performance requirements for these types of instruments are described in other IEC standards. The output from these instruments

Documentary Standards: Radiation Detection Documentary Standards Program

NIST leads and participates in the development and revision of documentary ANSI/IEEE (ANSI N42 standards currently transitioning to IEEE IMS TC 45 committee) and IEC (TC 45 WG B15 committee) standards that provide requirements and test methods for instruments used for the detection of illicit

Documentary Standards: X-ray Security Screening Applications

This work fills well-documented gaps in transportation security, which have been highlighted in Executive and Legislative requirements for 100 % screening of baggage, cargo, and airline passengers. This is accomplished through a corpus of new standards, test methods, test artifacts, dosimetry

Electron-Beam Irradiation of Solar Cells

NIST irradiates solar cells that are manufactured by leading developers of high-efficiency solar photovoltaic cells for space applications. As part of the space-qualification process, the performance of these cells in a space environment must be validated. This validation process includes the

Environmental: NIST Radiochemistry Intercomparison Program (NRIP)

The NRIP includes five matrices (acidified water, air filters, soil, synthetic urine and synthetic feces) of test samples spiked with a well-characterized solution that contains alpha-, beta-, and gamma-emitting radionuclides (see Table 1). The NRIP participants decide which radionuclides they will

Fundamental Physics: Electric Field Imaging with Neutrons

An effective magnetic field B eff arises from the relativistic transformation of an electric field E into the frame of reference moving at the neutron velocity v; B eff is proportional to v x E /c 2, hence is small due to the factor of the square of the speed of light in the denominator. This

Fundamental Physics: Experiments with a Precision Neutron Polarimeter

The NSR neutron polarimeter has limited two separate physical quantities, spin rotation due to parity non-conservation and long-range spin-dependent interactions. Firstly, we completed a successful run of an experiment to study the strong interaction using weak interaction properties of the neutron

Fundamental Physics: Magnetically Trapped Neutron Lifetime Experiment

A precise value for the neutron lifetime is required for several internal consistency tests of the SM including searches for right-handed currents and tests of the unitarity of the CKM mixing matrix. Measurements of neutron decay coefficients provide information on the vector and axial-vector