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Displaying 1 - 25 of 211

Actionable Intelligence

A large portion of this project involves a collaboration with the Engineering Laboratory’s (EL) Model-based Enterprise program, specifically with the Knowledge Extraction and Application for Manufacturing Operations project. This collaboration has focused on the analysis of maintenance work order

Activities in Extended Videos Evaluation

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed the Activities in Extended Video (ActEV) evaluations series to support the needs of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Deep Intermodal Video Analytics (DIVA) Program. An activity for ActEV evaluation is

Adaptive Closed-Box Interference Susceptibility Testing

The primary project objective is to develop new methods for experimental characterization of dynamic interference impacts on adaptive, closed-box COTS communication links. Specific goals include: Dissemination of low-cost, general-purpose testbed designs for interference testing. Methods to assess

Advanced DDoS Mitigation Techniques

Background In recent years the threat of DDoS) attacks on the Internet seems to be significantly increasing. The rapidly growing threat can be characterized by the orders of magnitude increases in the bandwidth of such attacks (from 100s of millions bits per second, to 100s of billions bits per

Advanced Fluid Characterization - Laboratory Information Management System

Breath sampling of cannabis users. In July 2019, the National Institute of Justice awarded our team funding for a three-year project to provide the chemical foundation for industry to develop a cannabis breathalyzer. We are developing new experimental methods to enhance the clinical, thermodynamic

Advanced Security Architectures for Next Generation Wireless

The US Government, and the Department of Commerce in particular, has identified the development and commercialization of Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) technologies as a strategic priority in the evolution of next-generation wireless networks and a key enabler for the US IT industry to increase

Annual Machine Learning for Materials Research Bootcamp

Four days of lectures and hands-on exercises covering a range of data analysis topics from introduction to python and data pre-processing to advanced machine learning analysis techniques. Example topics include: Identifying important features in complex/high dimensional data Visualizing high


Recent Announcements Save the Date : NIST welcomes your participation in the ANSI/NIST-ITL in-person workshop on April 22-24, 2025 to update the ANSI/NIST-ITL standard. The workshop will be held at the NIST NCCoE facility in Rockville, Maryland. In-person participation is strongly encouraged and

Atomic Wavefunctions

The numerical solution of the multi-particle Schrodinger equation describing atomic systems remains a challenging for computational physics. ITL scientists are in the forefront of this field with respect to extremely high-accuracy computation of non-relativistic eigenstates of few electron systems.

Augmented Intelligence for Manufacturing Systems (AIMS)

Objective To overcome existing measurement challenges via augmented intelligence, the fusion of integrated metrology, physics-based models, and artificial intelligence, to enable monitoring, diagnostics, and prognostics of manufacturing systems and their processes. Technical Idea One research

Automated Vehicles and AV Communications

Automated vehicles (AVs), or Automated Driving Systems-equipped (ADS-equipped) vehicles, have great potential to improve our lives by freeing us from the stress of driving and reducing accidents caused by distractions or poor judgement. Connected, reliable, and safe AVs will spark significant

Autonomous Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) show great promise for a variety of applications, from industrial gas separation, to catalysis, to PFAS absorption. One challenge to the adoption of these technologies is determining and optimizing the synthesis of these materials. There are large computational

Autonomous Systems Assurance

Achieving assured autonomy in any environment requires methods for measuring the input space, to show that the test environment adequately covers real-world conditions that may be encountered. Although some statistical and structural coverage metrics are relevant, they are terribly inadequate for

EV Battery Passport

End-of-life issues associated with EV batteries (EVBs) are estimated to have a steep rise in the coming decades. Given the finite nature of material resources worldwide, developing a circular EV batteries (EVB) infrastructure is needed to keep high value battery materials in the economy, therefore

Biometric Compression Information

Friction Ridge Compression On February 24, 2014 we proudly announced the release of the final version of this guidance! You can download the final version of the guidance here: NIST Special Publication 500-289 Final (02/24/2014) More recently, on April 7, 2016, we're proud to announce the release of

Biometric Quality

Quality analysis is a technical challenge because it is most helpful when the measures reflect the performance sensitivities of one or more target biometric matchers. NIST addressed this problem in August 2004 when it issued the NIST Fingerprint Image Quality algorithm, which was designed to be


With the need for improved homeland security, biometrics were identified as a key enabling technology. NIST (because of its mission and track record) supports the government-wide effort to increase the collection of good quality biometrics, to see that the data collected is appropriately shared with

Biometrics Web Services (BWS)

News A WS-Biometric Devices Walkthrough is now available. This document provides step by step instructions to develop a WS-BD web camera service. NBIS.Net 5.0.0 is available. This release provides access to NBIS 5.0.0 functionality from within any .Net language. NIST has published an updated

Biosecurity for Synthetic Nucleic Acid Sequences

Emerging biotechnology, enabled by the ability to genetically engineer biological systems similar to the way we write software and program computers, can provide solutions to many pressing societal needs related to health, food security, supply chain resilience, and job growth for economic and

Classification Methods for the NIST Biorepository

NIST has been archiving biological and environmental specimens, including marine animal and environmental samples, for over 40 years. Currently, these biospecimens are stored at cryogenic temperatures in the NIST Biorepository located at the Hollings Marine Laboratory in Charleston, SC. Various