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    Advanced Security Architectures for Next Generation Wireless

    National Priorities: The National Strategy to Secure 5G and Implementation Plan goals to: facilitate the rollout of 5G domestically; assess the cybersecurity risks to and identify core security principles of 5G capabilities and infrastructure; address risks to United States economic and national

    5G/6G Core Networks and Services

    The main tasks of this program are: Task 1: 6G Core Network Architecture: I nvestigating AI-native architectures that not just execute AI/ML-based network functions but also support the creation, management, cooperation, measurement, and evolution of these functions. Task 2: Key Technologies Task 2

    Future Wireless Communications Systems and Protocols

    ​ Millimeter wave Communication Systems and Protocols 5G and beyond wireless communication systems make use of the Millimeter-Wave (mmWave) band. While this band offers unprecedented throughput thanks to the large bandwidth available, it also suffers from larger propagation loss compared to the sub

    High Assurance Domains

    The objectives of NIST’s High Assurance Domains (HAD) project are to design, standardize and foster wide scale adoption of technologies to improve the security, robustness and privacy of the Internet’s Domain Name System. A second dimension of the NIST’s effort is to explore ways to leverage a

    Internet Infrastructure Protection

    In the FY 2016 ITL staff made significant contributions in the design, standardization, test and measurement of technologies to improve the security and robustness of the Internet’s global routing protocol BGP. NIST staff are key contributors to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards to

    Robust Inter-Domain Routing

    Today’s global Internet is comprised of roughly 1,000,000 distinct destination routes interconnected by 60,000 enterprise and Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks. The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the “glue” that enables the modern Internet, by exchanging reachability information about each

    Software Defined Virtual Networks

    Background Data networks have enabled extraordinary growth in capabilities such as email, the web, and social media; and today form the technical basis for our information-centric economy [1]. However, current network architectures and processes for technical evolution cannot support the complexity

    Trustworthy Networks Program

    The need for Trustworthy Networking Internet Society Report on the Future of the Internet “Perhaps the most pressing danger to the future of the Internet is the rising scope and breadth of Cyber Threats.” “Addressing cyber threats should be the priority” “The scale of cyberattacks is steadily

    Trustworthy Networks of Things

    Our work focuses on network-centric approaches to improve the security and robustness of large scale deployments of IoT devices. The research and development of software-defined networking technologies in support of IoT security. The design and IETF standardization of Manufacturer Usage Description

    USGv6 Program

    OMB has directed [ OMB-2020, OMB-2010, OMB-2005] the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop the technical infrastructure (standards and testing) necessary to support wide-scale adoption of IPv6 in the US Government (USG). In response, NIST developed a technical standards