The NIST Hybrid Humidity Generator (HHG) is NIST’s primary standard humidity generator and is used for calibration of all hygrometers sent to NIST. The HHG and its accompanying temperature-controlled test chamber may also be used as a research tool for performing studies involving rapid changes in humidity. The HHG was designed to accommodate flow rates of up to 150 L/min into its test chamber of volume 40 L. This arrangement allows rapid replacement of the original air in the chamber with air from the generator that has a specified humidity, providing an environment with rapidly changing humidity. One example of studies that may be performed with this system is the measurement of the time response of a humidity sensor to changes in humidity. Another example is the measurement of moisture permeabilities of fabrics and membranes. For this second example, the measurement can be made by placing a humidity sensor in a container where one wall of the container is composed of the fabric and the other walls are impermeable to moisture.