The Bruker D8 defractometer is a general purpose X-ray diffraction system. The instrument features easy reconfiguration of the X-ray optics for a variety of experimental configurations. The combination of the Gobel parabolic X-ray mirror and Cu-Ka X-ray source at 40 kV produce a beam intensity in the range of 1000's of counts per second , making the instrument well suited for phase identification and trace analysis. The cradle is configured with a spring loaded sample stage that allows for a wide range of samples and specimen holders to be loaded and aligned with relative ease. The instrument is equipped with two detectors, a standard scintillation detector, and a LynxEye Super Speed detector. The scintillation detector is optimal for small angles near a direct beam condition and for cases where signal to background is a concern. The LynxEyx detector is 1 dimensional solid state array detector, being able to acquire a 4 degree window at 0.02 degree resolution, designed for rapid data acquisition.
The Bruker Diffrac-Plus data acquisition and analysis package includes an experiment building application that facilitates the design of long experimental sessions such as k-space mapping. The analysis of acquired data can be accomplished through either Bruker's EVA package or MDI Jade, both of which have phase identification capabilities. The also has access to a library of common phases in the form of powder diffraction files (pdf format).
Contact Donald Windover