The UMA and the Utah-MEP have made a real difference in our cable build process. While running this project we found we had some failures and successes but can see an overall change in how things could be improved in other areas of the facility.
Campbell Scientific and Utah Manufacturers Association (UMA) worked together to help the team working to produce cables with over 400 variations stabilize their processes to better meet customer demand. Campbell and UMA collaborated on a DMAIC approach to define the problem, measure and analyze to find root causes, then implement countermeasures, and then control them. Campbell and UMA created an order-to-cash value stream map and found that, on average, it took 64 hours to do 18 minutes of value-added work. Much of the time was lost due to system batching and hand-offs.
To address this issue Campbell and UMA created systems allowing the team to work together with clear signals to perform one-piece flow work in cells. To do that, they analyzed the processes of each product and realized that 80% of the work on all products was the same, therefore instead of training new employees to certify building products, Campbell staff will now focus on processes.