When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, that common goal was to achieve an ISO 9001 certification. Jonathan says, “We’ve wanted to be ISO certified since 2004 and some of our current customers were beginning to require their vendors to be ISO certified so we thought now was as good of a time as any. We wanted to be prepared for a post-COVID-19 world and take the steps necessary to put us in the best position possible.
During this time, Jonathan says they received an email from North Caroline MEP (NCMEP), part of the MEP National Network™, “We received an email about the Emergency Assistance Program (EAP) grant from NCMEP. ” Jonathan continued, “We filled out the form in the email describing how we wanted to be ISO certified and we were awarded the grant soon after that, which began our ISO certification journey."
If anybody is thinking about achieving their ISO certification or implementing any other program, we highly recommend IES. They gave us the confidence we needed and have always been there when we needed it.
Metal Works of High Point was then connected to NCMEP partner IES to facilitate the ISO certification program. IES regional manager Kami Baggett connected Metal Works of High Point with the IES assistant director of quality, Adrianne Kroll, who facilitated the program from January 2021 until August 2021.
“They took what was seen as a very daunting task - something that seemed unachievable - and walked us through step by step. IES took this program and made it digestible for us.” Elizabeth adds, “The training we received has been invaluable. They helped us streamline our processes and calibrate how we train.” Metal Works of High Point started their ISO certification in January 2021 and completed it in November 2021.
Being ISO certified has opened Metal Works of High Point up to numerous opportunities with larger customers. “Larger customers will perform an audit and remark how well everything is being run. The change was almost instantaneous,” Jonathan says.