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Technology Upgrade Leads To Improved Functionality for Production Equipment

With the help of: CONNSTEP


Eljen Corporation, established in 1970, created the world's first prefabricated drainage system for foundation drainage and erosion control applications. The company is a leader in geotextile sand filter (GSF) technology for wastewater treatment and dispersal for both residential and commercial markets.

Located in Windsor, Connecticut, Eljen is not only a global leader in innovative wastewater solutions but also works with local and national organizations to hire military veterans who are transitioning into the civilian workforce. In fact, Eljen Corporation has been awarded the HIRE Vets Platinum Medallion from the U.S. Department of Labor for the third consecutive year.

The Challenge

Management determined that Eljen needed to upgrade one of the control stations that supports the manufacture of their proprietary perforated plastic sheets inside their GSF wastewater treatment product. Leadership recognized a risk of potential failure due to the age of the control panel and made the business decision to install a completely new one plus have a backup unit. They knew this process would require updated design documentation including electrical schematics and wiring diagrams, electrical panel layout, and an updated bill of materials For help Eljen turned to CONNSTEP, part of the MEP National Network™.

CONNSTEP helped us avoid a potential catastrophic event with the addition of these new control panels. We can now move forward more confidently, making better business decisions which will enable us to grow our business.

— James King, President

MEP's Role

CONNSTEP was hired by Eljen management to provide technology consulting assistance in their effort to upgrade their control station. In preparation to quote the project among third party electrical assembly providers, CONNSTEP evaluated the status of existing components, gathered specifications, schematics, all necessary data, and provided a recommended bill of materials for reference with pricing.

CONNSTEP also collaborated with Eljen to review quotations and electrical drawings for cost and accuracy. After identifying and vetting potential suppliers, the Eljen team selected a provider to supply two new control panels. CONNSTEP managed and facilitated the delivery and installation of the panels from the supplier to Eljen.

Created July 2, 2022