The Center’s assistance helped our company make a number of improvements in both our workforce and operations. Without training, we wouldn’t have been able to get our internal auditors in place to help keep our QMS on track, and some of our workers would still be lacking the skills needed to understand blueprints. Additionally, we’re excited about the potential cost savings we could have due to the changes made with value stream mapping.
The Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center), part of the Michigan MEP and the MEP National Network™, provided training to support the improvement initiatives. First, recognizing that there was a disparity in blueprint reading literacy levels among team members, the management team at JC Gibbons Manufacturing decided training would be beneficial to get everyone on the same page. This training gave workers better understanding of blueprints and enabled them to provide more value to their jobs.
With two existing internal auditors already at their facility, company leaders decided additional employees should become auditors as well. With this training completed, there are now more diverse, fresh minds analyzing their quality management system (QMS), providing added insight and input to ensure quality is consistently maintained.
JC Gibbons Manufacturing worked with experts at The Center to map out their entire production process and locate any bottlenecks or issues. With workers shocked at how many times each produced part was unnecessarily touched, the team realized they were the source of bottlenecks and worked to identify ways to improve production. Following this, JC Gibbons Manufacturing and The Center decided it would be best to replace the many inspection buckets around their facility with larger bins, which served to decrease the total amount of inspections needed and lowered the number of tasks involved overall, ultimately decreasing bottlenecks in production.