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AS9100D Provides Backdrop for New Product Line


Founded in 1973, Aimtek of Auburn, Massachusetts, provides high-quality metal joining and coating products and services to the aerospace, industrial gas turbine, defense, medical, automotive, and manufacturing industries. Aimtek is independently owned and services a global market through its expanding network of representatives and distributors. 

The Challenge

Aimtek has had AS9100 in place since 2003. It had become dated and wasn’t as applicable to current operations as it had been originally structured. More importantly, Aimtek wanted to add the design aspect to the scope of their registration because they had new products and innovations that they wanted to have a system in place for. All in all, Aimtek’s business had changed, expanded, and grown over the last 20 years, and they wanted to refresh the main quality system as well as add new capabilities, specifically design. Aimtek turned to MassMEP, part of the MEP National Network™, for help.

MassMEP is an efficient and engaged organization that promotes industry leading practices for manufacturers. The external providers of services that they work with are top quality, ethical, and cutting edge. Working with MassMEP has helped grow our business and thrive in a competitive industry. They are very knowledgeable and helpful, and we are happy to have the opportunity to work closely with them.

— Jay Kapur, President

MEP's Role

Aimtek had seen some of the work that MassMEP does and determined that MassMEP knew what they were doing and had the right people to help with their AS9100 journey. Aimtek recognized that MassMEP’s AS9100 resource had a good approach for today’s business world. It was very streamlined and not bogged down in unnecessary business procedures and paperwork. Aimtek streamlined quite a few existing processes based on the resource’s guidance. They removed forms not needed and added things that were identified as gaps. Aimtek was now able to spend less time managing the system and more time working to the system. This also resulted in employees being more engaged as they discovered that the system applied more directly to the current business.

Created July 17, 2024