Shavonne Grundy was proud of the company she grew into a respected and profitable enterprise, but she knew her production capacity was diminished because many processes were not operating efficiently. She also sought help in reducing employee turnover. For advice, she turned to Rajesh Krishnamurthy, technical services director for the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance (OMA), part of the MEP National Network™. The Manufacturing Alliance has worked with Generation FSH on several projects and Grundy trusts OMA as a reliable advisor.
At Generation FSH, we strive to empower minorities by offering job opportunities and comprehensive training in highly skilled trades. In collaboration with the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance, we are shaping a brighter future for our community, industry, and state—one generation at a time.
Krishnamurthy met with Grundy to discuss objectives and how to create a more efficient production flow. As an engineer, he has vast experience in plant layout and design. Krishnamurthy examined flow, digitizing certain processes to create a computerized model of production movement. This allowed the team to test different scenarios without having to shift actual equipment or combine tasks. The virtual simulations even let Grundy evaluate new advanced manufacturing technologies without having actual pieces onsite. Optimal schemes were established and then transferred to the real-world factory floor.
In addition, Sharon Harrison, vice president of workforce development for the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance, helped Grudy develop a registered apprenticeship program specifically designed to target relevant skills and meet Generation FSH’s unique situation. Harrison has expertise in guiding companies through the design and implementation of customized training programs. The initiative launched with four apprentices, drawn from of pool of young people as well as seasoned workers. The apprenticeship program offers participants a solid career path to grow with the company. For Generation FSH, it not only improves the skills of its employees, but provides a boost to new employee recruitment. The initiatives are paying off with increased production efficiency and capacity, leading to additional contracts and revenue growth.