CRIOLITE is a purely Puerto Rican company founded in 2010. Since then, the company has consistently been the leading supplier of frozen meals without preservatives and with fresh ingredients on the market. Criolite offers Creole dishes with high standards flavor, smell and taste. From production, packaging, freezing and delivery their product is manufactured with top quality ingredients, 100% grass-fed red meat from Puerto Rico and chicken free of hormones and antibiotics.
Knowing the new business challenges that lie ahead, which include new clients/markets and acquisition of a new facility, Criolite contacted Puerto Rico Manufacturing Extension (PRiMEX), part of the MEP National Network™, to develop a facility layout plan for the new building. The current floor layout limits Criolite's growth and flexibility, a problem when seeking new clients. Criolite needs to increase capacity, efficiency, and resources utilization in the new site while also guaranteeing space for future business growth.
Thanks to PRiMEX for accepting the challenge of designing a facility model that would accommodate the new facilities. Not only were they able to achieve an excellent design for our needs, but when they received the request to do it in a short period of time, they accepted and met all expectations. The professionalism and excellent communication of their consultants were key to the success of the project. They were always available for all the details that were needed. We certainly count on them for our growth and business strategies in the near future.