Midé Technology Corporation of Woburn, Massachusetts, is a leading provider of advanced engineering products and services. Midé is committed to providing customers with high-quality deliverables that are on time, on budget, and meet their expectations through the use of a quality management system focused on continual improvement. Midé uses industry best practices in both execution and cost effectiveness.
With the customer as part of the team, Midé generates innovative ideas, taking them from concept to product. Mide is a Hutchinson Company. Mide's Brands include: enDAQ shock, vibration & environmental sensors & software; Piezo.com offering high-value piezoelectric products and expert solutions; Mide's HydroActive Seal Products and solutions and engineering services and solutions.
Mide’s experience with Mass MEP began in 2015. I was involved with a TDMI Needs Assessment effort that Mass MEP arranged. This led into various Express Grants and finally to a full state level grant with Comm Corp. This past June 2024 Mide completed its second Comm Corp state grant. The growth of the relationship between Mass MEP/Comm Corp and Mide has established valuable instructional material over the years, but also a key resource/partnership during Mide’s growth and organizational changes. Mass MEP is an integral component of Mide’s training program, and I expect to see this continue into the future.
Leadership for Growth explored different avenues for revenue planning, strategic planning, and looking at different markets that Mide might want to focus on. It delved into how best to define and understand those different markets as well as provided tactical tools about how to make contact with potential customers. The entire process took place over fifteen-months and the senior management team found themselves thoroughly engaged.
Senior management also met with the trainers that were scheduled for the technical skills training. This ensured that training would be a good fit and was customized for Mide’s culture and environment. MassMEP took a very traditional training and adapted it to make sure Mide got the best value from it. Those being trained also reported that the trainer understood Mide’s needs and connected well with the class. Value stream mapping (VSM) was also conducted in parallel with a new inventory management system.