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Whelan Machine & Tool Leadership and Culture Development


Whelan Machine & Tool of Louisville, Kentucky, is a leading provider of custom precision-machined products and services for the U.S. defense industry. The company offers manual and precision milling and turning services tailored to meet the specific needs of individual clients.

The Challenge

The company’s recent acquisition by Ajax Defense combined with its business growth objectives, resulted in a need for a leadership and culture development program. This program supported the company’s efforts to grow the business while also maintaining its high standards for quality, customer service, and safety.
The KY-MEP Leadership and Culture Development program delivered by Dr. Keeling was transformational and established the foundation to achieve our business objectives.
— John Triplett, President

MEP's Role

KY-MEP, part of the MEP National Network™, worked with the Whelan leadership team to develop a custom program focused on leadership, culture, and teamwork development. The Leadership and Culture program included classroom training combined with individualized coaching and mentoring sessions.
Created August 7, 2024