Central to the multi-decade NIST BNL strategic partnership in synchrotron technology, the Synchrotron Science Group develops state of-the-art synchrotron X-ray measurement technology around a core-competency in X-ray absorbance spectroscopy. The SSG develops instrumentation, methods, and analytical tools, to enable measurements of structure not attainable by other methods. Stationed at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, the group provides timely access to X-ray facilities to support both NIST priority programs as well as the broader scientific community through the NSLS-II General User Program. Working closely with other units across NIST, new advances in instrumentation are connected to a broad range of NIST stakeholders. Primary examples are the development of the Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering instrument in close collaboration with the Materials Science and Engineering Division and the development of microcalorimeter detector technologies with the NIST Quantum Sensing Division. Outside partnerships have also been key to the technology transfer strategy, with a co-developed and operated end station in X-ray Diffraction with IBM, and imaging capabilities developed through two Small Business Innovation and Research Awards. Additional collaborations with industry such as Dow Chemical and SEMATECH are complemented with ongoing development with other agencies such as the Air Force Research Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory. The group has been a world leader in the development of adsorbtion spectroscopy software, with world-wide adoption and high demand for online courses and workshops. The group features three main thrusts that all build on the core competency in absorbance spectrometry: adsorbance spectrometers, hyperspectral imaging, and resonant scattering and diffraction.