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Thermodynamics and Kinetics Group

The Thermodynamics and Kinetics Group develops measurement methods, models, data, standards, and science for the thermodynamics, kinetics, phase transformations, microstructure evolution, and properties of materials (e.g., metals, semiconductors, inorganics) of technological interest. The Group uses this expertise to define processing, structure and performance relations and accelerate the design of advanced materials.

Materials design approach

Group Competence

CALPHAD-Based Methods

Atomistic Simulations and Potential Development 

Density Functional Theory

First Principles Phase Stability Calculations

Phase Field Modeling

AI/Machine Learning

Phase Transformations, Diffusion, Solidification, Surface energy driven Processes

DTA/DSC/Dilatometry/X-ray Diffraction/Microscopy/Metals Processing

Microstructure Tools

  • PyMKS  A python-based framework of the Materials Knowledge System (MKS) is a data science approach for solving multiscale materials science problems using  physics, machine learning, regression analysis, signal processing, and spatial statistics to create processing-structure-property relationship.
  • OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures enables materials scientists calculate macroscopic properties from images of real or simulated microstructures. It reads an image, assigns material properties to features in the image, and conducts virtual experiments to determine the macroscopic properties of the microstructure.

Phase-based Modeling tools

  • Open Calphad: This is a multicomponent thermodynamic open-source software for performing a variety multicomponent multiphase calculations.

Atomistic Simulation and Potential Develop Tools

  • PINN is a novel method combining physics-based knowledge and neural networks to determine descriptions of the bonding forces between atoms.
  • pyfit-FF: This is a python package for training artificial neural network interatomic potentials (including PINN potentials)
  • AtomMan   The Atomistic Manipulation Toolkit is a Python library for creating, representing, manipulating, and analyzing large-scale atomic systems of atom.
  • IPRPy   This is a  collection of tools and resources supporting the design of scientific calculations for evaluating basic materials properties across multiple classical interatomic potentials.

High-Throughput DFT Tools

  • JARVIS-Tools: This is a package of scripts used in generating and analyzing the datasets from JARVIS-DFT and JARVIS-FF data repositories. 

  • JARVIS-Heterostructure: This is a set of tools for 2D materials in the JARVIS-DFT database. Some of the properties available are: work function, band-alignment, and heterostructure classification.

Infrastructure and Workflow Tools

  • CoRR: Cloud of Reproducible Records is a  web platform for storing and viewing metadata and data associated with simulation records for reproducibility and beyond.
  • PFHuB: Phase Field Hub is a web platform for facilitating collaboration within the phase-field community.
  • JARVIS-ML: Machine learning prediction tools, trained on JARVIS-DFT data.
  • Materials Design Toolkit: A python-based framework that provides the generic environment for materials design, particularly for integrating CALPHAD-based models. 

Interatomic Potential Repository: This repository provides a source for interatomic potentials (force fields), related files, and evaluation tools to help researchers obtain interatomic models and judge their quality and applicability.

JARVIS-FF: This force-fields (interatomic potentials) database is a collection of LAMMPS calculation-based data covering crystal structure, formation energy, phonon density of states, band structure, surface energy and defect formation energy. It is designed to help select the optimal force-field for the user’s application. 

JARVIS-DFT:  This is a DFT database of VASP based calculations for 3D-bulk, single layer (2D), nanowire (1D) and molecular (0D) systems. Most of the calculations are carried out with optB88vDW functional. JARVIS-DFT includes materials data such as: energetics, diffraction pattern, radial distribution function, band-structure, density of states, carrier effective mass, temperature and carrier concentration dependent thermoelectric properties, elastic constants and gamma-point phonons.

Phase-Based Data Repository This is a  community phase-based property database that includes a variety of experimental and computational multicomponent thermodynamic and kinetic.  This database also includes NIST Diffusion Data Center ( a collection of diffusion references from 1960-1980)

AM-BenchMarking Data Repository This is a repository of NIST Metal AM Benchmark data associated with the NIST AM Benchmark Test series.

DFT Benchmarking Data

Projects and Programs

Microstructure-Property Tools for Structure-Property Design

Microstructure-level Structure-Property Tools OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures enables materials scientists calculate macroscopic properties from images of real or simulated microstructures. It reads an image, assigns material properties to features in the image, and conducts virtual

Developing a Materials Innovation Infrastructure

Phase Field Community Hub ( PFHub) and Benchmarks The Phase Field Community Hub provides a framework that supports phase field practitioners and code developers participating in an effort to improve quality assurance for phase field codes. The main thrust of this effort is the generation of a set of

Advanced Materials Design: Structural Applications

Designing New High Temperature Co Superalloys In collaboration with the NIST CHiMaD center, an ICME approach in being used to develop new Co superalloys that are strengthened using an ordered FCC (L1 2) phase (similar to the related Ni-based superalloys). The design goals for these alloys include

Atomistic tools for structure-property investigations

Interatomic Potential Repository The Interatomic Potentials Repository (IPR) provides a source for interatomic potentials (force fields), related files, and evaluation tools to help researchers obtain interatomic models and judge their quality and applicability. The files provided are of known

Advanced Materials Design: Electronic and Functional Applications

Accelerating Materials Discovery using Machine Learning and AI Using machine learning and AI techniques along with high-throughput DFT calculations materials with specific properties are identified to accelerate the the discovery process for a variety of applications. Some of the specific materials



JARVIS-Leaderboard: A Large Scale Benchmark of Materials Design Methods

Kamal Choudhary, Daniel Wines, Kevin Garrity, aldo romero, Jaron Krogel, Kayahan Saritas, Panchapakesan Ganesh, Paul Kent, Pascal Friederich, Vishu Gupta, Ankit Agrawal, Pratyush Tiwary, ichiro takeuchi, Robert Wexler, Arun Kumar Mannodi-Kanakkithodi, Avanish Mishra, Kangming Li, Adam Biacchi, Francesca Tavazza, Ben Blaiszik, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Maureen E. Williams
Reproducibility and validation are major hurdles for scientific development across many fields. Materials science in particular encompasses a variety of

PFHub: The Phase-Field Community Hub

Daniel Wheeler, Trevor Keller, Jonathan E. Guyer, James A. Warren, Stephen DeWitt, Andrea Jokisaari, Daniel Schwen, Larry Aagesen, Olle Heinonen, Michael Tonks, Peter Voorhees
An online portal provides a valuable space for scientific communities to summarize a shared challenge, collect attempts at a solution, and present a


Past Projects