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Imaging the Elusive Skyrmion

Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) with colleagues elsewhere have employed neutron imaging and a reconstruction algorithm

Projects and Programs

Theory of Spin-Orbit Torque

A ferromagnetic material such as iron acquires its magnetization because the magnetic orientation of its constituent atoms all line up in the same way. Because individual electrons also have an intrinsic magnetic moment – which is often referred to as the electron “spin” - they can interact with

Spintronics for Neuromorphic Computing

Magnetic tunnel junctions (see Fig. 1) consist of two thin films of ferromagnetic material separated by a few atomic layers of an insulating material. The insulator is so thin that electrons can tunnel quantum mechanically through it. The rate at which the electrons tunnel is affected by the

Computational Micromagnetics

Micromagnetics technologies constitute the foundation of computer storage devices. Exponential growth in the size of portable magnetic memories accompanied by decrease cost-per-byte is evidence of success in this technology. To sustain this growth engineers and scientists are increasingly using


Nagaoka ferromagnetism in 3 × 3 arrays and beyond

Yan Li, Keyi Liu, Garnett Bryant
Nagaoka ferromagnetism (NF) is a long-predicted example of itinerant ferromagnetism (IF) in the Hubbard model that has been studied theoretically for many years

Measurement-driven Langevin modeling of superparamagnetic tunnel junctions

Liam Pocher, Temitayo Adeyeye, Sidra Gibeault, Philippe Talatchian, Ursula Ebels, Daniel Lathrop, Jabez J. McClelland, Mark Stiles, Advait Madhavan, Matthew Daniels
Superparamagnetic tunnel junctions are important devices for a range of emerging technologies, but most existing compact models capture only their mean