NIST and the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission are holding a meeting on November 29, 2018 to discuss revisions and updates to the Smart Grid Interoperability Framework. At this meeting, NIST will utilize a smart grid scenario focused on extending observability and control from centralized systems to the grid-edge as the foundation for this discussion. The grid scenario is based on the assumption that the impacts of expanded use of distributed energy resources (DERs) will be felt throughout the electricity system—including in the Bulk Power System— and require utilities to integrate more refined observation and control at the edge of their respective systems. This workshop will feature speakers from across the Northeast discussing the role of interoperability, how interoperability addresses issues in the Northeastern grid and enables new interactions between devices at different system levels. Attendees will also provide feedback to NIST regarding topics important to the region. A more detailed agenda will be available in advance of the workshop.
Limited travel stipends are available through NARUC for commissioners and commission staff in the region. Please e-mail Kerry Worthington at rafts [at] (rafts[at]naruc[dot]org) to inquire further.