On May 13-14, 2019, NIST will hold the second in a series of public workshops on the development of the Privacy Framework: An Enterprise Risk Management Tool. We thank Professors Annie Antón and Peter Swire, and the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, in Atlanta, Georgia, for hosting this event. Drafting the NIST Privacy Framework: Workshop #2 will provide an opportunity for attendees to actively engage in facilitated discussions to advance the development of the framework. Prior to this workshop, NIST released a discussion draft. NIST will use the breakout sessions at this workshop as input to validate or adjust the discussion draft to support the next stage of the process: releasing a preliminary draft framework. This workshop will be open to the public.
Workshop Inputs: Prior to this workshop, NIST released a discussion draft of the framework.
Expected Workshop Outputs: Validation or adjustment of the discussion draft to inform the development of a preliminary draft of the framework.
This will be an important in-person opportunity to engage with NIST on the development of this framework; please sign up for our mailing list to receive announcements about other events and the release of framework documents. Join the conversation about this workshop using #PrivacyFramework.
CPE credits: The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) has approved up to 11.25 CPE credits for attending this workshop. To request credits from IAPP, please use this form.
Attendees are encouraged to review this supplemental material on the topics that will be discussed at the event. NIST also welcomes written feedback on this material at PrivacyFramework@nist.gov.
Discussion Draft (PDF) NIST Informative References (PDF) Privacy Framework Discussion Draft Core Comparison (PDF) Use Case Exercise (PDF)
Presentation: Expanding the OSI Stack to Describe Categories of Privacy Tasks
Panel Discussion #1: Discussion Draft of the Framework with NIST
We have a mobile guide for you to use on Guidebook! Get the guide to conveniently access information about the workshop, including schedules and maps.
Get our guide here: https://guidebook.com/g/nistpfworkshop2
Android and iOS users:
Please note that in order to use the app, attendees will have to submit their name and email to create a Guidebook account and will be subject to Guidebook’s privacy policy. Use of this third-party app is completely optional. All workshop information available on the app is also provided on this event page.
This workshop will take place in Tech Square in Atlanta, Georgia. Registration and plenary sessions will be located at the Biltmore Ballrooms. Working Sessions will be located in The Biltmore’s Georgian Ballroom, as well as Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business Building and Technology Square Research Building. Addresses of these buildings are provided below, and a map of the buildings and relevant rooms is provided. As noted in the agenda, your workshop badge will indicate a group number for Working Sessions 1-3. For Working Sessions 4 and 5, attendees will be able to choose between six different topics. We have provided a room location guide.
Site Map (PDF) Room Location Guide (PDF)
The Biltmore Ballrooms (Georgian Ballroom)
817 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308 (Google maps link)
Scheller College of Business Building
800 West Peachtree NW, Atlanta, GA 30308 (Google maps link)
Technology Square Research Building
85 5th St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308 (Google maps link)
A map of nearby food options is also provided.
Please note: You will need to pay for parking. We are including a parking map with several options.
P1 Centergy Parking 31 3rd St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308
For more information about the NIST Privacy Framework, including a Fact Sheet and FAQs, please visit the NIST Privacy Framework website. To receive periodic updates about the process and opportunities to engage, subscribe to the NIST Privacy Framework mailing list.
Agenda (Printable PDF) Updated 5/13/2019
7:30 AM Registration Opens - The Biltmore | 817 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308 | Georgian Ballroom
Breakfast will be provided.
8:30 AM Opening Remarks - The Biltmore | Georgian Ballroom
8:45 AM Panel Discussion #1: Discussion Draft of the Framework with NIST
This panel will introduce the discussion draft of the NIST Privacy Framework. Engage with NIST leadership to learn more about the NIST Privacy Framework process and the approach taken in the discussion draft.
9:45 AM Break - Coffee will be provided.
9:55 AM Presentation: Expanding the OSI Stack to Describe Categories of Privacy Tasks
Peter Swire, Elizabeth and Tommy Holder Chair and Professor of Law and Ethics, Georgia Institute of Technology; Senior Counsel, Alston & Bird LLP
10:15 AM Panel Discussion #2: Voices from the Field
Hear from expert practitioners from various sectors about their initial views on the NIST Privacy Framework discussion draft. Panelists will discuss whether the draft can further communication about privacy risks, the scalability of the framework, and how it could work in conjunction with existing organizational risk management practices to strengthen privacy programs, among other topics to stimulate discussion for the workshop breakout sessions.
Moderator: Jamie Danker, Director of Privacy, Easy Dynamics Corp.
11:15 AM Panel Discussion #3: Global Privacy Landscape
Learn how the voluntary NIST Privacy Framework could fit into the global landscape. Panelists will discuss a range of topics to improve interoperability, including global standards, international data transfer regimes such as the APEC Cross-border Privacy Rules and Privacy Shield, the role of conformity assessments, and managing the patchwork of laws in the U.S. and beyond.
Moderator: Lisa Carnahan, Computer Scientist, NIST
12:15 PM Rules of Engagement Ellen Nadeau, Deputy Manager, Privacy Framework, NIST
12:30 PM Lunch On your own | Dining options available in the workshop vicinity.
1:45 PM Working Session #1
Working sessions 1, 2, and 3 will focus on an in-depth discussion of organizational privacy risk management needs and whether the discussion draft as structured – the Core functions, categories, and subcategories; Profiles; and Implementation Tiers - supports these needs. See badge for assigned group number (1-6). A mapping between group number and room number/location is available on the event page.
Rooms by Group # on Badge:
3:00 PM Break
3:15 PM Working Session #2
Continue discussions from working session #1. Return to same room as session #1. See badge for assigned group number (1-6).
Rooms by Group # on Badge:
4:30 PM Recap of the Day - The Biltmore | Georgian Ballroom
4:45 PM Adjourn
8:30 AM Working Session #3
Continue discussions from working session #2. Return to same room as session #2. See badge for assigned group number (1-6).
Rooms by Group # on Badge:
10:30 AM Break
10:45 AM Working Session #4 (concurrent sessions)
Choose one of the following six topics. A mapping between topic and room number/location is available on the event page. Note: All topics will repeat in session #5.
12:15 PM Lunch On your own | Dining options available in the workshop vicinity.
1:30 PM Working Session #5 (concurrent sessions)
Choose one of the following six topics. A mapping between topic and room number/location is available on the event page. Note: These are repeated from session #4
3:30 PM Break
3:45 PM Recap and Next Steps - The Biltmore | Georgian Ballroom
4:10 PM Closing Remarks
Peter Swire, Elizabeth and Tommy Holder Chair and Professor of Law and Ethics, Georgia Institute of Technology; Senior Counsel, Alston & Bird LLP
4:15 PM Adjourn