Lehigh University, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), and the National Science Foundation will be sponsoring a workshop from mid-day May 13, 2019 – May 14, 2019 to address key issues involved in materials data curation, assess current best practices, and develop a plan for establishing future protocols for widely accessible data repositories. This workshop will serve to create a new microstructures data repository that will enable researchers to share, access, and analyze images and associated data from multiple platforms. In preparation for this workshop, we held a preliminary meeting last November to discuss potential schema and the curation of metadata as related to electron micrographs and associated data. As a result of this November meeting, we have started construction of the repository as a testbed to evaluate proposed schema.
Agenda for the Microstructure and Metadata Workshop is available here.
This on-going workshop series will entail group-directed sessions to further refine the preliminary ideas with specific examples as well as build preliminary community-developed best practices to be applied to microscopy data. Specific discussions will include the following:
Material Measurement Laboratory
Center for Hierarchical Materials Design (CHiMaD)
Lehigh University
National Science Foundation
Agenda for Microstructure Workshop
If you are not registered, you will not be allowed on site. Registered attendees will receive security and campus instructions prior to the workshop.
NON U.S. CITIZENS PLEASE NOTE: All foreign national visitors who do not have permanent resident status and who wish to register for the above meeting must supply additional information. Failure to provide this information prior to arrival will result, at a minimum, in significant delays (up to 24 hours) in entering the facility. Authority to gather this information is derived from United States Department of Commerce Department Administrative Order (DAO) number 207-12. When registration is open, the required NIST-1260 form will be available as well. *New Visitor Access Requirement: Effective July 21, 2014, Under the REAL ID Act of 2005, agencies, including NIST, can only accept a state-issued driver's license or identification card for access to federal facilities if issued by states that are REAL ID compliant or have an extension.Click here for a list of alternative identification and further details.