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NIST Open Industrial Digital Ecosystem Summit and OAGi Symposium

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"Enabling Supplier Neutral Standards-based Interoperability"



Industrial and manufacturing enterprises seek digital transformations in order to gain breakthroughs in productivity and agility. But how can this best be accomplished and at what costs?

Ideally, information in the digital ecosystem of an industrial and manufacturing enterprise should be transparent and rapidly accessible from the shop floor to the top floor to enable a productive transformation. Repeatable, scalable and sustainable data acquisition methods is necessary to lower the implementation costs regardless of software vendors.  Do you want to learn more and share ideas about how this could be done better, more efficiently, and more cost effectively using techniques other than the traditional, costly systems integration and what role should standards play and what the security implications are?

OAGi and MIMOSA both have long standardization histories focused in different, complementary domains.  OAGi covers enterprise business process standardization, while MIMOSA has taken a leading role in standards-based interoperability, with a focus on asset life-cycle information management. NIST conducts research and development on novel methods and tools, test cases, and testing tools that reduce risk of developing, using, and adopting standards, which is making standards-based interoperability a more realistic proposition. NIST, OAGi, and MIMOSA have initiated a cross-standard, cross-industry collaboration to help accelerate digital transformation using supplier-neutral open standards and interoperability.

The NIST Open Industrial Digital Ecosystems Summit brings together industry practitioners and thought leaders from owner/operators, standard development organizations, research institutes, and industry solution suppliers to share their desires, successes and obstacles in the new era of digital transformation journey. An objective of this year event is to discuss the feasibility of supplier neutral, out-of-the-box, standards-based interoperability, and to make a strategic research and development plan to drive the industry toward more cost-effective interoperable solutions for standardized, high-priority industry use cases.

2019 Synopsis

In the first day we will discuss primarily business values of standards-based interoperability. The second day is divided into two tracks. Track 1 will go into a technical discussion for a standards-based digital transformation pilot. Track 2 consists of presentations and discussions that look at the barriers and lessons-learned from recent digital transformation activities. Topics covered include:


  • Digital twin
  • Smart manufacturing
  • Interoperability of manufacturing software systems, data analytics, and IIoT
  • Semantics and ontology for manufacturing
  • Critical infrastructure management
  • Condition-based maintenance
  • Interoperability pilot and open specification advancement
  • Cyber-security for industrial control and IoT
  • Life-cycle management of data exchange standards


Why should I attend the event?

  • Manufacturing enterprises (standard users) can meet their peers and learn from others while also sharing their pain points with vendors and brainstorming for standardsbased solutions.
  • Software vendors will hear the customer needs and brainstorm for innovative solutions.
  • Standard developers and researchers will hear the challenges leading to impactful research topics.

Who should attend?

  • Digital transformation strategist, architects, and project managers.
  • CTOs and CIOs
  • Enterprise integration architects.
  • Data architects.
  • Application and IoT architects.
  • Middleware architects.
  • Lead integration developers.

OAGi Symposium

This year marks OAGi’s 25-year anniversary, making this an event you don’t want to miss. Registration for the NIST Manufacturing Interoperability Summit also includes access to the OAGi Symposium on June 5th & 6th at the same venue. 2019 offers new and exciting ways to better support OAGIS community integration projects. This biannual event is OAGi’s most popular gathering of thought leaders, placing you at the forefront of the progress and action. You can expect two days of the latest successes in enterprise interoperability patterns and practices, including presentations and demos. This is an opportunity to keep up with advancements in OAGIS. Get involved in the working group sessions, and ensure you and your organization are a step ahead in the race to prepare for the future. We’re looking forward to seeing all the usual faces and making a lot of new friends. See you there!



Co-Sponsored by MIMOSA and OAGi

Created April 5, 2019, Updated May 31, 2019