NIST Scientific Foundation Reviews document and evaluate the scientific basis for forensic methods and practices. This review addresses the scientific foundations of bitemark analysis, a forensic technique used to compare the marks on the skin of a biting victim with the teeth of a potential suspect.
This webinar will consist of three parts: 1) reviewing the contents of and findings in the NISTIR 8532-draft report on bitemark analysis, 2) discussing comments received up to that point in the public comment period and 3) providing an opportunity for interested parties and stakeholders to ask additional questions or seek clarification on the draft report.
This webinar will be recorded. Questions asked and comments received during the webinar will be included in the materials received as part of the public comment period and considered when finalizing the report.
1:00 – 2:00 PM ET: Review of the key findings of the report
2:00 – 2:10 PM ET: Break
2:10 – 3:00 PM ET: Moderated Q&A
Illustration of a typical human dentition viewed in standard anatomical position. Bitemark patterns typically only involve the front (anterior) teeth