This Info Hour is intended for members of the Weights and Measures community who are responsible for regulating, designing, or evaluating weighing instruments.
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Section 2.20., S.1.2.1. Digital Indicating Scales, Units in NIST Handbook 44 needs clarification to ensure scales are designed to properly determine an accurate net weight. S.1.2.1., specifically the second paragraph, which includes an example, can be interpreted as requiring mathematical agreement between the gross, net, and tare weight values when a tare mechanism is in operation. However, this mathematical agreement can result in an inaccurate net weight. Current testing and evaluation procedures do not adequately allow this issue to be easily identified. This Info Hour will offer an in-depth explanation and discussion that will help participants gain a greater understanding of the issue.
There is no fee to attend the event, and no certificates will be issued.
NIST Office of Weights and Measures