The 5-day Fundamentals of Metrology seminar is an intensive course that introduces participants to the concepts of measurement systems, units, good laboratory practices, data integrity, measurement uncertainty, measurement assurance, traceability, basic statistics and how they fit into a laboratory Quality Management System. Additional topics covered will include overall Laboratory Management and specific discussions of the requirements for proficiency testing, calibration certificate generation and software verification and validation. Topics will be covered using a variety of measurement disciplines and laboratory measurements and case studies so that the participants will be able to apply the concepts to any measurement discipline upon completion. Topics are covered in a mixture of training styles including lecture, hands-on exercises, case studies and discussion.
This class covers the following procedures from NISTIR 6969:
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
Several notebooks and course materials will be provided.
The instructor will send registered participants the prerequisite documentation 'AFTER' the registration deadline or after the class is full, whichever comes first. Required prerequisites include having a demonstrated knowledge of basic mathematics (pre-test) and completion of a number of reading assignments (listed in the Pre-work section). Additional helpful pre-work will be provided to students who have been accepted by the instructor prior to the seminar to minimize course homework time. Participants must be proficient in spreadsheet functions and operations, and formatting in word processing software.
In addition to completing and submitting the Math Exercises, please read:
Submit the math exercises (pre-work) according to instructions by COB on Monday, June 8, 2026.
Fundamentals of Metrology, Laboratory Auditing Program (LAP) Problems – required for State Weights and Measures Laboratories (not applicable for other participants.)
One year after completion of the class.
Successful completion requires that participants fully participate in all classroom and laboratory exercises, turn in or present accurate work assignments, and be present for the entire course. There will also be a Final Exam on the last day of the class. The Final Exam will contribute 70 percent of the grade; other class and laboratory exercises will be 30 percent of the grade. A passing grade on both portions is required to obtain a training certificate that indicates “successful completion” (e.g., getting a 100 percent on the final will not guarantee successful completion). Successful completion qualifies the participant to participate in the Mass, Volume, and Length seminars offered by NIST OWM, though those may have additional prerequisites.
*Homework note: Students generally report taking two hours for homework each night. Completing the pre-work reading can minimize homework time. Pre-work reading time should be recorded on the Reading Outlines.
This training seminar is open to industry and government metrologists.
The registration fee for this seminar is $3,100. Confirmed participants will be sent payment instructions. This fee does not cover travel, lodging, or meal expenses. Registration fees for State metrologists are funded by NIST OWM.
Micheal Hicks and Jose Torres
Email: micheal.hicks [at] (micheal[dot]hicks[at]nist[dot]gov)
Registered participants must bring a laptop or tablet PC to the seminar. Participants must have access to Microsoft Word and Excel (version 2010 or newer are acceptable) and be able to open and use template Excel workbooks that will be provided on USB media or available via a secure SharePoint folder. Participants must be able to save/store files to USB media devices to facilitate printing and turning in homework assignments; if not able to use USB media, participants must be able to connect their laptop to a printing device by cable or Bluetooth and be able to upload files to a secure SharePoint folder.
NIST Office of Weights and Measures