NIST will hold a webinar on the Community Resilience Center of Excellence on Aug. 5, 2014 from 1:00-2:30pm ET. The webinar will offer general guidance on preparing proposals and provide an opportunity to answer questions from the public about the program. Participation in the webinar is not required to apply. There is no cost for the webinar, but participants must register in advance.
Webinar was recorded and will be available for playback here>>
NIST has announced a competition to create a Community Resilience Center of Excellence dedicated to collaborative, interdisciplinary research aimed at developing tools and standardized methods that will enhance the ability of localities to reduce the impact of disasters and to speed recovery in their aftermath. Key outputs of the planned center will be advances in measurement science and new modeling, simulation, data and informatics tools that are coupled with field studies of hazard events. Click here for more details >>
Full details of the solicitation, including eligibility requirements, selection criteria, legal requirements and the mechanism for submitting proposals are found in an announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) posted at under funding opportunity 2014-NIST-CR-COE-01. Click here for more details >>
Program Information: