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First NIST Workshop on Macromolecular Separations-by-Design


The First NIST Workshop on Macromolecular Separations-by-Design will bring together scientists and engineers from industry and academia, along with instrument and column manufacturers, to identify the needs of the industrial community with respect to the rational design of macromolecular separations that can quantify the distributions of physicochemical properties exhibited by complex, modern polymers.



The workshop will consist of a number of keynote lectures, followed by breakout sessions focused on developing solutions to the challenges of method development, specifically advancing and accelerating methods for broad applications. Needs in all areas spanning theory and computation, basic experimental validation and design, and instrumentation and facilities will be considered. Ample time will be provided for presentation and discussion of the results from each session. The workshop technical program is available here.

Keynote Speakers:
Click on names for abstracts

Harald Pasch, Stellenbosch University
Peter Schoenmakers, University of Amsterdam
Timothy Lodge, University of Minnesota
Jimmy Mays, University of Tennessee
Patricia Cotts, DuPont CR&D
Willem deGroot, Dow Chemical Company
Ilja Siepmann, University of Minnesota
Karl Freed, University of Chicago

NIST Speakers:

Catherine Rimmer, Analytical Chemistry Division
William Krekelberg, Chemical & Biochemical Reference Data Division
Ming Zheng, Polymers Division

Gaithersburg Hilton (website)
620 Perry Parkway
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Room Reservations: Please use the group code "MAC" to reserve a room at the conference rate of $139/night (breakfast is included). The group name for the reservation is "NIST Macromolecular."

If you are not registered, you will not be allowed on site.

Registered attendees will receive security and campus instructions prior to the workshop.

All foreign national visitors who do not have permanent resident status and who wish to register for the above meeting must supply additional information. Failure to provide this information prior to arrival will result, at a minimum, in significant delays (up to 24 hours) in entering the facility. Authority to gather this information is derived from United States Department of Commerce Department Administrative Order (DAO) number 207-12. When registration is open, the required NIST-1260 form will be available as well.

Created June 19, 2012, Updated September 21, 2016