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NICE Webinar: Shopping Safely Online and the Work of Cybersecurity Awareness and Behavior Change

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NICE Webinar - Shopping Safely Online and the Work of Cybersecurity Awareness and Behavior Change
NICE Webinar - Shopping Safely Online and the Work of Cybersecurity Awareness and Behavior Change

The PowerPoint slides used during this webinar can be downloaded here.


Lance Spitzner
SANS Security Awareness




‘Tis the season for online holiday shopping . . . but you Better Watch Out for online scams or the CyberGrinch will steal your holiday joy.  Aside from making consumers aware of safe online practices, performing the work of cybersecurity awareness training is an important part of any organization’s information security program.  This webinar will provide timely tips for staying safe online during the holiday season and will make the case for inclusion in the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework of a new work role for individuals responsible for creating secure behaviors throughout the organization and enabling a security driven culture.


SANS Security Awareness(link is external)

SANS Security Awareness OUCH! Newsletter(link is external)

National Cyber Security Alliance(link is external)

Stop. Think. Connect

NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework

NIST Seeking Input on Updates to NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework

NIST NICE Work Role for Security Awareness and Communications Manager(link is external)

Created November 25, 2019, Updated July 23, 2020