WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Obama Administration announced it is taking two important steps to help U.S businesses create jobs and strengthen their competitiveness in a global economy. Through two Presidential Memoranda issued today, the Obama Administration will take steps to speed up the transfer of federal research and development from the laboratory to the marketplace, and it will create BusinessUSA, a one-stop, central online platform where small businesses and businesses of all sizes that want to begin or increase exporting can access information about available federal programs without having to waste time navigating the federal bureaucracy. These announcements are part of a series of executive actions to put Americans back to work and strengthen the economy because we can't wait for Congressional Republicans to act.
"With too many families struggling and too many businesses fighting to keep their doors open, we can't wait for Congress to take action," President Obama said. "Today, I am directing my Administration to take two important steps to help American businesses create new products, compete in a global economy, and create jobs here at home."