As part of a periodic review of its cryptography standards and NIST Special Publications, NIST is requesting comments on FIPS 198-1, SP 800-22 Rev. 1a, SP 800-38D, SP 800-38E, and SP 800-107 Rev. 1. Comments are due by October 1, 2021.
NIST is in the process of a periodic review and maintenance of its cryptography standards and guidelines.
Currently, we are reviewing the following publications:
The public comment period for these publications is open through October 1, 2021. Comments may address security, implementation, clarity, and/or risk issues as well as relevance to current applications.
Send comments to with the publication number in the Subject, e.g., “Comments on FIPS 198-1” or “Comments on SP 800-38D.”
For more information about the review process, visit the Crypto Publication Review Project page.