On January 12, 2022, 40 ITL staff members were honored for their exceptional accomplishments during the 2021 NIST Awards Ceremony.
The following ITL staff received awards:
For creating an unprecedented ability to accurately retrieve reliable, contemporaneous information on COVID-19 to fight the 2020 pandemic.
Ellen Voorhees, ITL
For exceptional leadership in developing, and driving adoption of, a novel framework to manage privacy risk while maximizing the beneficial uses of data. (Group Award)
Naomi Lefkovitz (ITL)
Kaitlin Boeckl (ITL)
Nakia Grayson (ITL)
Maihuong Nguyen (ITL)
Lisa Carnahan (ITL)
Victoria Pillitteri (ITL)
Adam Sedgewick (ITL)
Dylan Gilbert (ITL)
For developing innovative technologies that resolved critical internet vulnerabilities and dramatically improved internet robustness. (Group Award)
Oliver Borchert (ITL)
Douglas Montgomery (ITL)
Kotikalapudi Sriram (ITL)
Patrick Gleichmann
For rapid development of NIST’s first RNA research-grade test material for detection and diagnostic measurements of COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. (Group Award)
Peter Vallone
Megan Cleveland
William Valiant
Erica Romsos
Carolyn Steffen
Nathanael Olson
Stephanie Servetas
Hariharan Iyer (ITL)
For developing and promoting adoption of methods to determine protein structure that increase patient access to life-saving biosimilar drugs. (Group Award)
Jeffrey Hudgens
Kyle Anderson
Ioannis Karageorgos
Robert Brinson, III
Frank Delaglio
Luke Arbogast
John Marino
Ryan Evans (ITL)
Anthony Kearsley (ITL)
For development of the first free public cybersecurity SCAP 1.3 content for the macOS Catalina (macOS 10.15) and Big Sur (macOS 11). (Group Award)
Jason Blake
Robert Gendler
Blair Heiserman
Mark Trapnell (ITL)
Eric Trapnell (ITL)
Dylan Yaga (ITL)
Murugiah Souppaya (ITL)
For advancing quantum communication and imaging applications by creating novel high-efficiency single-photon detectors and kilopixel arrays. (Group Award)
Varun Verma
Adriana Lita
Richard Mirin
Sae Woo Nam
Thomas Gerrits (ITL)
Martin Stevens
Robert Horansky
For development of an IT system to modernize and simplify NIST's publication processes. (Group Award)
Robert Commarota
Cerasela Constantin
Sushama Singh
Simon Frechette
Eric Shirley
Andrea Medina-Smith
Elisabeth Mansfield
Douglas Montgomery (ITL)
Peter Gehring
Fernando J. Cintron
For development and dissemination of the first detailed cybersecurity guidelines specifically for protecting small and medium-sized manufacturers. (Group Award)
Keith Stouffer
Timothy Zimmerman
CheeYee Tang
Michael Pease
Jeffrey Cichonski (ITL)
For the development of an additive manufacturing materials database and data portal to accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing. (Group Award)
Yan Lu
Paul Witherell
Benjamin Long (ITL)
For creating the NIST AI Community of Interest, which has galvanized cooperation across NIST to reap the benefits of AI for metrology. (Group Award)
Lawrence D. Nadel (ITL)
Michael Garris (ITL)
Heather Evans
For improvements in measurement science that advanced forensic detection and analysis of altered videos, audio, and imagery. (Group Award)
Jonathan Fiscus (ITL)
Haiying Guan (ITL)
Andrew Delgado (ITL)
Yooyoung Lee (ITL)
Amy N. Yates (ITL)
For providing unparalleled technical and administrative support to enable critical information retrieval research functions worldwide. (Group Award)
Darrin Dimmick (ITL)
Angela Ellis (ITL)
Gabriella Gomez (ITL)
For the rapid development and deployment of an innovative COVID-19 research system used globally to improve collective research knowledge-sharing. (Group Award)
Alden Dima (ITL)
Talapady Bhat
Benjamin Long (ITL)
Jacob Collard (ITL)
Rachael Sexton
John Elliott
For development of a novel reference material that mimics the particles found in protein-based drugs and supports accurate measures of drug quality. (Group Award)
Srivalli Telikepalli
Dean Ripple
Michael Carrier
Kristen Steffens
Christopher Montgomery
Nicholas W. M. Ritchie
John Lu (ITL)
For design and development of a system of traceable measurements that enable risk assessments of nanoparticles that exhibit photocatalytic activity. (Group Award)
Vytautas Reipa
Vincent Hackley
Blaza Toman (ITL)
For development and characterization of a next-generation forensic DNA Standard Reference Material using a diverse suite of molecular techniques. (Group Award)
Carolyn Steffen
Erica Romsos
Katherine Gettings
Kevin Kiesler
Lisa Borsuk
Hariharan Iyer (ITL)
Peter Vallone