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The Future is Charged: U.S. Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

  • Please see the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Program on the NIST OWM website for any current updates on NIST standards, measurement services, and training activities for EVSEs.

Please see the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Program on the NIST OWM website for any current updates on NIST standards, measurement services, and training activities for EVSEs.

Up to $7.5 billion is currently being invested in the U.S. Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. This funding is made possible through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Public Law 117 58 signed into law November 15, 2021.  The BIL is administered by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation and will establish a national network to accelerate adoption of EVs, reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, and position U.S. industries for global leadership in electrification efforts.

The BIL includes up to $5 billion of support for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, which is intended to “provide funding to States to strategically deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability.” Further background, funding eligibilities, and program guidance for the NEVI Formula Program are provided in a February 2022 Memorandum to Division Administrators. The BIL also includes up to $2.5 billion of support for a Discretionary Grant Program for Charging and Fueling Infrastructure; this grant program is intended to support the strategic deployment of an infrastructure that includes publicly accessible charging systems, including those for EV, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas vehicles.

State weights and measures agencies have been identified as important stakeholders for the development of minimum standards and requirements for EV supply equipment (EVSE) as part of the strategic development of the EV Charging Infrastructure over the next five years. Thus, it is important for each State to reach out to their State’s Department of Transportation (DOT) and Department of Energy (DOE) counterparts or where applicable, the Federal Joint Office of Energy and Transportation.  In addition to educating these counterparts on the role and function of weights and measures programs in the area of commercial measuring systems, this outreach to DOT and DOE would provide the opportunity to determine how their weights and measures program can support the deployment of the commercial EV infrastructure.  The states could also explore possible opportunities for funding to support this work; for example, the development and purchase of traceable, portable, and affordable EVSE test standards and training for weights and measures officials on testing EVSEs.  Here are some important deadlines for State weights and measures officials to note:

  • May 13, 2022 – deadline for the development and publication of minimum standards and requirements for EVSEs as proposed regulations
  • August 1, 2022 – deadline for the States to submit an EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan to the new Joint Office of Energy and Transportation

Standards governing measurements for commercial transactions for all four alternative vehicle fueling applications are already available, having been developed through the collaborative efforts of NIST OWM in partnership with relevant stakeholders. Published in NIST Handbook 130 and NIST Handbook 44 are:

  • The Method of Sale requirements in NIST Handbook 130: 
    • IV.B. 2.32. Retail Sales of Hydrogen Fuel (to be sold by the kilogram)  
    • 2.34. Retail Sales of Electricity Sold as a Vehicle Fuel (to be sold by the kilowatt hour) 
  • The corresponding device requirements and test procedures in NIST Handbook 44: 
    • 3.39. Hydrogen Gas-Measuring Devices 
    • 3.40. EV Fueling Systems - Tentative Code 
    • 5.55. Timing Devices (EVSE time-based fees in addition to charges for electrical energy) 

The NEVI Formula Program may be a great opportunity for coordination and collaboration across State weights and measures authorities, industry, regulatory agencies, and NIST OWM to promote uniform laws, regulations, and methods of sale for alternative vehicle fueling applications. Please reach out to us at the Office of Weights and Measures ( if you have any questions or if we may be of assistance in the interpretations of this significant opportunity.

Released March 29, 2022, Updated February 10, 2025