Mr. Novotny is recognized for helping numerous NIST staff and associates by establishing a powerful electromagnetic modeling system located in NIST Boulder. Based on a powerful computing platform, the modeling system runs the High-Frequency Structural Simulation (HFSS) software that supports the computational needs of the many NIST researchers who require advanced computational capability for simulating complex high-frequency electromagnetic devices and systems. The computing power of this system far surpasses that of an individual at a desktop and thus makes tractable large and geometrically complex electromagnetic models. Having such capability within NIST is paramount for mission success, as some electromagnetics problems could not be solved without this system. Novotny has been instrumental in designing, implementing, and coordinating the use and maintenance of this system. He has organized training sessions and has taken it upon himself to personally train numerous users on this system. He has been a resource to colleagues on techniques in HFSS for constructing complex simulations so that users can be most effective in their work. Novotny took it upon himself to champion this system, then took the initiative to make it a reality, and by doing so has demonstrated a level of commitment to his colleagues that goes above and beyond his duties at NIST. Furthermore, he has championed this system for almost a decade now, showing continued dedication to fellow researchers and to NIST's mission. The success of this system is demonstrated by the numerous publications, research projects and programs which rely on it. The success of this system has been so great that it has now evolved into an even more powerful cluster-computing platform for solving even larger electromagnetics problems. Novotny has been instrumental in advancing a broad range of NIST programs and improving NIST's ability to work with outside research institutions, universities, industry, and other agencies because of his singular efforts.