The Journal of Research of NIST and its predecessors report NIST research and development in metrology and related fields of: physical science, engineering, applied mathematics, statistics, biotechnology, information technology.
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Creep in five steels at different temperatures, T 362,
French, H.J.; Cross, H.C.; Peterson, A.A.
Endurance and other properties of rail steel. Part I. Endurance properties of rail steel. Part II. Comparative tests of rail steel cast in standard molds and sink-head molds of the Gathmann type, T 363,
Freeman; Jr.; J R.; Barry; W.J.; Dowdell; R.L.
Tensile properties of soft rubber compounds at temperatures ranging from -70C to +147C. , T 364,
Keulegan, G.H.
Statical hysteresis in cycles of equal load rang, T 365,
Keulegan, G.H.
Strength of interlocking-rib tile walls, T 366,
Stang, A.H.; Parsons, D.E.; McDaniel, A.B.
Effect of the testing method on the determination of corrosion resistance, T 367,
Rawdon, H.S.; Groesbeck, E.C.
Bureau of Standards soil-corrosion studies. I. Soils, materials, and results of early observations, T 368,
Logan, K.H.; Ewing, S.P.; Yeomans, C.D.
Transmissive properties of eye-protective glasses and other substance, T 369,
Coblentz, W.W.; Stair, R.
Cause and prevention of kiln and dry-house scum and of efflorescence on face-brick walls, T 370,
Palmer, L.A.