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NIST Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program: Awardees

Awardees 2012-2025

FY 2025 Awardees
Coming soon

FY 2023 Awardees
Colorado School of Mines 
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 
Missouri University of Science & Technology 
Purdue University 
Texas A&M University – Kingsville 
Texas Tech University 
University of Illinois – Chicago 
University of South Alabama

FY 2022 Awardees
Purdue University
Rochester Institute of Technology
University of Florida
University of Houston
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

FY 2021 Awardees
Case Western Reserve University
Georgia Southern University
Texas A&M University – Kingsville
University of Arizona
Webb Institute

FY 2020 Awardees
Rochester Institute of Technology
Texas A&M University – Kingsville
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


FY 2018 Awardees 
North Carolina State University  
The University of Virginia

FY 2017 Awardees
Bowling Green State University
Michigan State University
Oklahoma State University
Texas A&M University – Kingsville

FY 2016 Awardees 
City University of New York 
Drexel University
Purdue University Libraries
Rochester Institute of Technology
University of Michigan

FY 2015 Awardees
Carnegie Mellon University
Jackson State University
Michigan State University
University of Hartford
University of Houston
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania


FY 2014 Awardees
Drexel University
Everett Community College
The George Washington University
North Carolina State University
Oklahoma State University
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

FY 2013 Awardees
North Carolina State University
Stevens Institute of Technology
University of Pittsburgh

FY 2012 Awardees
Georgetown University
Michigan State University
Northwestern University
San Jose State University Research Foundation
Standards Engineering Society 
Standards Engineering Society 


FY 2023 Awardees

Colorado School of Mines

George S. Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Energy and Materials Program

Incorporation of Standards in a New Ceramic Engineering Degree Program

To develop and integrate three modules into the curriculum of a new major in ceramic engineering. The modules include a range of introductory standards for sophomores; standards in senior capstone projects; and standards for mechanical testing of ceramics for seniors.

Ivar Reimanis, reimanis [at] (reimanis[at]mines[dot]edu); Kim Scott, kimscott [at] (kimscott[at]mines[dot]edu)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

College of Aviation and College of Engineering

Integrating Engineering and Aviation Standards in Higher Education Curriculum

To develop six modules integrating industry standards into three courses in the engineering and aeronautics programs. Two introductory undergraduate courses will each include two modules on standards for environmental management systems and indoor air quality, and two additional modules will be integrated into a core course in the Master of Science Aeronautics program, specifically designed for remote learning and focused on current research problems in aviation and aerospace.

Leila Halawi, halawil [at] (halawil[at]erau[dot]edu); Alpesh P. Makwana, makwana1 [at] (makwana1[at]erau[dot]edu); El-Sayed, M.H. Marwa, elsayedm [at] (elsayedm[at]erau[dot]edu); Mark Miller, millmark [at] (millmark[at]erau[dot]edu)

Missouri University of Science & Technology

College of Engineering and Computing, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Graduate Certificate Program in Standards and Safety in Electrical and Computer Engineering

To create a graduate certificate program in Standards and Safety in Electrical and Computer Engineering, including development of content for two of four courses needed to successfully complete the program. One of the courses will focus on the standards development process, including forming working groups; drafting, revising, and approving standards; standardization coordination; and maintenance of standards, as well as testing and compliance requirements. The other will introduce a wide variety of standards for electrical and computer engineering. 

Pourya Shamsi, shamsip [at] (shamsip[at]mst[dot]edu); Mehdi Ferdowsi, ferdowsi [at] (ferdowsi[at]mst[dot]edu); Jonathan Kimball, kimballjw [at] (kimballjw[at]mst[dot]edu)

Purdue University

Purdue Polytechnic, School of Engineering Technology

The Role of Standards in Product Innovation - Educating the Importance of Standards Related to Emerging Technology Developments

To create five modules to integrate standards and standardization content into the engineering technology curriculum. The modules will include instructional videos, hands-on practice lessons, and assessments for educating undergraduate and graduate students on standards and regulations for emerging technologies. They will be built using a badging platform that allows instructors and/or students to utilize the system and be able to import badge information into their own open badge systems and display it on other platforms.

Milton Aguirre, MEAguirr [at] (MEAguirr[at]purdue[dot]edu); Paul McPherson, PMcphers [at] (PMcphers[at]purdue[dot]edu); Margaret Phillips, Phill201 [at] (Phill201[at]purdue[dot]edu)

Texas A&M University – Kingsville

Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Department of Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering; and Department of Industrial Management and Technology

Develop, Implement and Integrate Standard Education Modules in Mechanical, Chemical, and Industrial Management and Technology Curricula

To develop and integrate 16 course modules for undergraduate and graduate students in three engineering programs. In addition, five webinars on standards and its application in mechanical, chemical, and industrial management and technology will be created and included in the modules.

Shah Alam, shah.alam [at] (shah[dot]alam[at]tamuk[dot]edu); Md. Monirul Islam, md.monirul.islam [at] (md[dot]monirul[dot]islam[at]tamuk[dot]edu); Matthew Alexander, matthew.alexander [at] (matthew[dot]alexander[at]tamuk[dot]edu)

Texas Tech University

Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering, Department of Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering

Integrating Emergency, Disaster, and Crisis Management Standards into Safety Engineering Courses

To develop a module on emergency, disaster, and crisis management (EDCM) standards for undergraduate and graduate engineering students. The module will be incorporated into a 3-week core safety engineering course and a full-semester safety engineering elective course.

Changwon Son, changwon.son [at] (changwon[dot]son[at]ttu[dot]edu); Mihwa Park, mihwa.park [at] (mihwa[dot]park[at]ttu[dot]edu); Wesley Wehde, wwehde [at] (wwehde[at]ttu[dot]edu)

University of Illinois – Chicago

College of Engineering, Richard and Loan Hill Department of Biomedical Engineering

Development of a Domain-Agnostic Standards Curricula in Partnership with a Medical Device Manufacturer

To develop four modules on incorporating performance and testing standards in engineering design education and pilot the modules in undergraduate and graduate biomedical engineering courses.  The modules will include searching and identifying appropriate standards; writing protocols for the incorporation of standards in verification testing; proposing revisions to standards; and developing new standards.

Michael G. Browne, mgbrowne [at] (mgbrowne[at]uic[dot]edu); Anthony E. Felder, afelde2 [at] (afelde2[at]uic[dot]edu); Adrian Defante, adrian.defante [at] (adrian[dot]defante[at]hollister[dot]com)

University of South Alabama

College of Engineering, Department of Civil, Coastal and Environmental Engineering

Building Industry-Ready Civil Engineers: Integrating Standards Education into the Civil Engineering Curriculum

To develop and integrate five modules into the civil engineering program that will include one for each year from freshman through graduate levels. The awardee will work with local organizations including the Alabama Department of Transportation, the Alabama Asphalt Pavement Association, the county recycling center, and concrete and asphalt plants to engage students in discussions on how standards and specifications are incorporated into their operations.

Shenghua Wu, shenghuawu [at] (shenghuawu[at]southalabama[dot]edu); John Cleary, cleary [at] (cleary[at]southalabama[dot]edu); Min-Wook Kang, mwkang [at] (mwkang[at]southalabama[dot]edu); Lisa LaCross lacross [at] (lacross[at]southalabama[dot]edu)


 FY 2022 Awardees

Purdue University

School of Aviation and Transportation Technology

Integrating Electric Propulsion Standards into Aerospace Education

To develop two education modules on airworthiness requirements for electric propulsion and design requirements for electric propulsion. The modules incorporate international standards and include lesson plans with scripted narratives and guided group discussions, videos, and assessment questions. The content will be integrated into undergraduate courses in aircraft powerplant technology and powerplant systems and graduate courses in aviation and aerospace sustainability. 

Tracy Yother tyother [at] (tyother[at]purdue[dot]edu); Mary Johnson mejohnson [at] (mejohnson[at]purdue[dot]edu)

Rochester Institute of Technology

College of Engineering Technology and Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Standards Education for Infrastructure Improvement and Resilience

To develop a set of reusable and customizable course modules related to infrastructure resilience and environmental sustainability, including case studies and simulation exercises to provide opportunities for active learning while applying relevant documentary standards in different scenarios. The modules will be tested in undergraduate and graduate courses at RIT and validated in other courses in cooperation with George Washington University and Pennsylvania State University. Course formats include traditional classroom learning as well as blended and online instruction. Topics include enhancing power infrastructure with smart energy grids and cybersecurity; sustainable buildings and sites; and enhancing infrastructure resilience to climate change.

Lisa Greenwood llgcem [at] (llgcem[at]rit[dot]edu); Sumita Mishra sumita.mishra [at] (sumita[dot]mishra[at]rit[dot]edu); Yewande Abraham ysaite [at] (ysaite[at]rit[dot]edu); Jennifer Schneider jlwcem [at] (jlwcem[at]rit[dot]edu)

University of Florida

Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Integration of Robotics Codes and Standards into the Occupational Safety Engineering Curriculum

To develop two publicly accessible and customizable modules focused on collaborative robotics, automation safety, and essential robotics standards. Real world examples, developed in collaboration with industry stakeholders, will be highlighted throughout the newly created four-week and two-week modules. The content will be integrated into two courses offered on-campus and via distance learning for undergraduate and graduate students in industrial and systems engineering; students will also have an opportunity to earn a graduate certificate in safety engineering.

Boyi Hu boyihu [at] (boyihu[at]ise[dot]ufl[dot]edu); Wayne Giang wayne.giang [at] (wayne[dot]giang[at]ise[dot]ufl[dot]edu)

University of Houston

Cullen College of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrating Standards Education into the Nanomaterials Engineering Curriculum

To develop hands-on standards education modules with lecture and laboratory components for two nanomaterials engineering courses for undergraduate and graduate students. The interdisciplinary content will be offered to students in multiple engineering departments including civil and environmental, electrical and computer, materials, and chemical engineering. The curriculum will be developed with the assistance of an external advisory board comprised of members from government, industry, and academia.    

Stacey Louie slouie [at] (slouie[at]uh[dot]edu); Jiming Bao jbao [at] (jbao[at]uh[dot]edu)

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

The William States Lee College of Engineering, Civil Engineering and Construction Management

Developing Standards-Based Education Modules for Building Information Modeling

To develop four standards-based education modules that strengthen the connection between building information modeling (BIM), a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility, and its fundamental technology and the connections between BIM and documentary standards. The modules will include BIM for building design and construction, information delivery from construction to operation, and information exchanges between a building and third-party service providers for grid interaction and energy analytics.

Weimin Wang [at] (weiman[dot]wang[at]uncc[dot]edu); Weichao Wang [at] (weicho[dot]wang[at]uncc[dot]edu); Don Chen dchen [at] (dchen[at]uncc[dot]edu)

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FY 2021 Awardees

Case Western Reserve University

Case School of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Kelvin Smith Library

Standards Modules for BioDesign Curriculum

To develop standards education modules centered on case studies involving quality systems, software development, and cybersecurity for medical devices. The content will include lesson plans, tutorials, case studies, videos, homework assignments, and a moot court exercise that can be integrated into introductory engineering courses, senior design capstone courses, and graduate BioDesign curriculum.

Colin Drummond, colin.drummond [at] (colin[dot]drummond[at]case[dot]edu); Daniela Solomon, dxs594 [at] (dxs594[at]case[dot]edu); Matthew Williams, matthew.williams [at] (matthew[dot]williams[at]case[dot]edu) 

Georgia Southern University

Allan E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing, Department of Manufacturing Engineering

Experiential Learning of Manufacturing Standards: from Lectures to Labs and Industrial Internships

To create a systematic framework focused on robotics and additive manufacturing standards for engineering students from freshman through graduate. The learning modules will be integrated into the engineering education curriculum and include lectures, lab projects, industrial internships, case studies, virtual plants tours, and webinars with industry experts.

Yue Zhang, yzhang [at] (yzhang[at]georgiasouthern[dot]edu); Haijun Gong, hgong [at] (hgong[at]georgiasouthern[dot]edu); Lianjun Wu, lwu [at] (lwu[at]georgiasouthern[dot]edu)

Texas A&M University – Kingsville

Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering 

Curricular Integration of Design and Material Standards in Engineering

To incorporate standards and standardization into freshman through graduate-level course modules in the Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and Civil & Architectural Engineering Departments. A certificate program on Standards for Material Testing and Characterization for polymers and polymer composites will also be created.

Mohammad Motaher Hossain, mohammad.hossain [at] (mohammad[dot]hossain[at]tamuk[dot]edu); Larry Peel, larry.peel [at] (larry[dot]peel[at]tamuk[dot]edu); Breanna Bailey, breanna.bailey [at] (breanna[dot]bailey[at]tamuk[dot]edu)

University of Arizona

College of Engineering, Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering; Department of Materials Science and Engineering; and Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Development of Standards Education Modules for Additive Manufacturing

To develop four e-learning modules with 36 hours of active-learning content focused on additive manufacturing (AM) standards. The modules will cover use of standards in the design-for-additive-manufacturing process, additive manufacturing process development, and testing and evaluation for additively manufactured parts and will be incorporated into the curriculum of three AM courses in the College of Engineering. The online learning modules will be disseminated to 50+ institutions of higher education nationwide who offer courses in AM.

Hannah Budinoff, hdb [at] (hdb[at]arizona[dot]edu); Andrew Wessman,  wessman [at] (wessman[at]arizona[dot]edu); Cholik Chan, cholik [at] (cholik[at]arizona[dot]edu)

Webb Institute

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

The Ship as a City: The Use of Standards to Design, Build, and Operate Marine Vehicles

The Webb Institute, in collaboration with the United States Coast Guard Academy and the American Bureau of Shipping, will create a 10-hour course on multiple topics related to marine industry standards such as standards for the design, construction, and operation of commercial and military marine vehicles; why and how standards are developed in the maritime industry; national and international maritime regulations; standards for emerging technologies; and more. The course material can be used for capstone projects and incorporated into undergraduate and graduate curriculum for marine and ocean engineering, naval architecture and engineering, and marine transportation.

Matthew Werner, mwerner [at] (mwerner[at]webb[dot]edu); Thomas DeNucci, Thomas.W.DeNucci [at] (Thomas[dot]W[dot]DeNucci[at]uscga[dot]edu); Richard Delpizzo, RDelpizzo [at] (RDelpizzo[at]eagle[dot]org)

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FY 2020 Awardees

Rochester Institute of Technology

College of Engineering Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety

Capacity-Building for Organizational Resilience: Standards-Based Curriculum on Risk, Disruption and Continuity

To develop and embed a set of reusable and customizable course modules on risk, disruption, and continuity that integrate relevant national and international documentary standards at levels appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students. These modules will enable students to understand and apply standards for organizational resilience to prepare for and respond to various forms of disruption and challenges organizations face with regards to continuity threats and vulnerabilities, and will be organized by thematic elements that can be arranged and synthesized for curricular applicability.

Lisa Greenwood, llgcem [at] (llgcem[at]rit[dot]edu); Jennifer Schneider, jlwcem [at] (jlwcem[at]rit[dot]edu); Dawn Hess, Dawn.Hess [at] (Dawn[dot]Hess[at]flcc[dot]edu); Sam Samanta, Sam.Samanta [at] (Sam[dot]Samanta[at]flcc[dot]edu); Yewande Abraham, ysaite [at] (ysaite[at]rit[dot]edu)

Texas A&M University – Kingsville

Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the College of Business Administration, Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems

Pathway to Excellence for Minority Students on Supply Chain Management and Logistics Standards through Interdisciplinary Curriculum Innovation

To develop modules for freshmen engineering and business courses to increase student awareness of standards and to create an interdisciplinary undergraduate minor program and an interdisciplinary graduate certificate program in supply chain management and logistics standards for career readiness. This collaboration between the College of Engineering and the College of Business Administration will include courses offered online and in person.

Kai Jin, Kai.Jin [at] (Kai[dot]Jin[at]tamuk[dot]edu); Hua Li, Hua.Li [at] (Hua[dot]Li[at]tamuk[dot]edu); Ruth Chatelain-Jardon, rchatelain [at] (rchatelain[at]tamuk[dot]edu)

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

College of Engineering, The Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Digital Standards Education Modules for Innovation and Sustainability of Concrete Infrastructure

To include standards education in civil engineering curriculum for concrete and cementitious materials through digital learning modules including video lectures, virtual field trips, exercises, and other resources to introduce undergraduate and graduate students to current and emerging trends related to materials, sustainability, emerging and future technologies, and the resiliency of the built environment.

Alexander Brand, asbrand [at] (asbrand[at]vt[dot]edu); Eric Jacques, ejacques [at] (ejacques[at]vt[dot]edu); Roberto Leon, rleon [at] (rleon[at]vt[dot]edu)

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FY 2018 Awardees

North Carolina State University (NCSU)

College of Natural Resources
Department of Forest Biomaterials 

College of Design
School of Architecture
Developing Standards-Based Educational Modules for Green Buildings and Sustainable Materials

To create educational modules for undergraduate and graduate students to learn about standards and tools that allow for a comprehensive evaluation of the life-cycle of green buildings and sustainable materials. The modules can be used in a traditional classroom or online learning environment. NCSU will also develop case studies to provide students with hands-on experiences applying standards in decision making. 

Yuan Yao, Yuan_Yao [at] (Yuan_Yao[at]ncsu[dot]edu); Stephen Kelley, sskelley [at] (sskelley[at]ncsu[dot]edu); Traci Rose Rider, traci_rider [at] (traci_rider[at]ncsu[dot]edu)
The University of Virginia (UVA) 

School of Engineering and Applied Science, 
Department of Engineering and Society, 
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 
and Link Lab

Standards-Aligned Design for Smart Sustainable Cities

To develop an interdisciplinary curriculum sequence focused on smart sustainable cities. The curriculum will integrate standardization, innovation studies, and engineering education to inspire engineers to think about societal challenges like transportation, energy, the environment and healthcare in new ways. This project is a collaboration between the Department of Engineering and Society, a unit within the School of Engineering and Applied Science, focused on engineering responsibility and ethics education; Link Lab, an innovation hub at UVA which provides cutting edge interdisciplinary research in cyber-physical systems; and the University Library, offering standards databases and integrated data repositories. 

Sharon Tsai-hsuan Ku, tk9na [at] (tk9na[at]virginia[dot]edu); Jonathan Goodall, goodall [at] (goodall[at]virginia[dot]edu); Sean Ferguson, smf6p [at] (smf6p[at]virginia[dot]edu)

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FY 2017 Awardees

Bowling Green State University

College of Arts and Sciences, Computer Science

College of Education & Human Development, School of Educational Foundations, Leadership & Policy

Incorporating Standards Education into the Digital Forensics Curriculum

To support the incorporation of standards into the digital forensics curriculum at Bowling Green State University.  Students will explore the theoretical aspects of Digital Forensics, and through a series of well-designed laboratory exercises, will use digital forensics tool-testing software in a number of hands-on activities that will illustrate the importance of employing standardized methods to the integrity of test results. A capstone seminar will report on conclusions.

Yan Wu, yanwu [at] (yanwu[at]bgsu[dot]edu); Sankardas Roy, sanroy [at] (sanroy[at]bgsu[dot]edu); Kristina LaVenia, klaveni [at] (klaveni[at]bgsu[dot]edu)

Michigan State University

Promoting Scientific Literacy and Effective Citizenship Through Standards Education

To develop and embed multiple standards education modules in required large enrollment science lecture courses designed for non-STEM majors. Modules will foster scientific and quantitative literacies and engage students in the complex socioeconomic and ethical implications of standards development, implementation, and compliance in a variety of contexts. 

Gabriel Ording, ordingga [at] (ordingga[at]msu[dot]edu); Osvaldo Hernandez, herna106 [at] (herna106[at]msu[dot]edu); Ryan Kimbirauskas, kimbira1 [at] (kimbira1[at]msu[dot]edu); Claudia Vergara, vergara [at] (vergara[at]msu[dot]edu); Kyle Powys Whyte, kwhyte [at] (kwhyte[at]msu[dot]edu); Lawrence Busch, lbusch [at] (lbusch[at]msu[dot]edu)

Oklahoma State University

Division of Engineering Technology, Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology


Understanding the Significance of Standards in Fire Protection and Related Fields

To design and produce a series of short videos on the importance of standards and codes to mitigating the risk of fire to the built environment. These new learning resources will describe the standards development process and the applications of codes and standards to fire safety and the relationship of standards and codes. The videos will address product standards, installation and maintenance standards, and model building codes. The videos are intended to be used in undergraduate, graduate, professional development, and continuing education programs.

Bryan Hoskins, bryan.hoskins [at] (bryan[dot]hoskins[at]okstate[dot]edu); Virginia Charter, virginia.charter [at] (virginia[dot]charter[at]okstate[dot]edu)

Texas A&M University – Kingsville

Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Curriculum Innovation Through the Integration of Manufacturing Related Materials and Quality Control Standards for Different Level Engineering Students from Freshmen to Graduates

To create a systematic framework for engineering students at multiple levels including course modules for undergraduate and graduate students and a graduate certificate program. Webinars and an annual e-conference will also be offered.  

Kai Jin, kai.jin [at] (kai[dot]jin[at]tamuk[dot]edu); Hua Li, [at] (hua[dot]li[at]tamuk[dot]edu); Yue Zhang

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FY 2016 Awardees 

City University of New York (CUNY)

The City College, Division of Science, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Standards-Based Enhanced Academic and Professional Training for Geoscientists

To develop teaching materials for integration into four courses encompassing topics such as building standards for earthquakes; mold standards following hurricanes; counterterrorism standards for first responders regarding chemical and biological substances; the effects of international trade agreements on safety standards; mining standards; environmental site assessments; geographic information metadata standards; and environmental management standards.

Angelo Lampousis, alampousis [at] (alampousis[at]ccny[dot]cuny[dot]edu) 

Drexel University

College of Arts and Sciences, Department of History and the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems

Standardization in Action: A Translational Curriculum

To create a novel translational curriculum addressing standardization in the life sciences and biomedical engineering through the collaboration of Drexel University’s Department of History and School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems.  A new undergraduate course “Standardization in Action” will be offered, complemented by an interdisciplinary course series and a systematic documentation of the standardization activities of the CONQUER Collaborative Center studying neuro-engineering device design.

Sharon Ku, sharonku401 [at] (sharonku401[at]gmail[dot]com);  Banu Onaral, bo26 [at] (bo26[at]drexel[dot]edu) 

Purdue University Libraries

Physical Science, Engineering, and Technology Division


Standards are Everywhere: An Information Literacy Approach to Standards Education

To create an open-access, introductory-level, interactive online standards education program, on a platform that can easily be used by instructors anywhere and can provide transferrable credentials for students who complete the program. The program emphasizes understanding, locating, analyzing, and applying standards in the context of engineering and product design and supports ABET accreditation outcomes for student education in engineering and engineering technology. 

Margaret Phillips, phill201 [at] (phill201[at]purdue[dot]edu); Paul McPherson, pmcphers [at] (pmcphers[at]purdue[dot]edu); Michael Fosmire, fosmire [at] (fosmire[at]purdue[dot]edu) 

Rochester Institute of Technology

College of Applied Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety

Standards-Based Curriculum and Capacity-Building Across Risk Prevention Management System Domains: Health, Safety, Environmental, and Community Sustainable Development

To develop and embed a set of reusable course modules on management system standards for RIT students seeking undergraduate degrees in Environmental Sustainability, Health and Safety or Civil Engineering Technology; or a graduate degree in Environmental Health and Safety Management.

Jennifer Schneider, jlwcem [at] (jlwcem[at]rit[dot]edu); Lisa Greenwood, llgcem [at] (llgcem[at]rit[dot]edu); Joseph Rosenbeck, jmrcem [at] (jmrcem[at]rit[dot]edu); Todd Dunn, gtdite [at] (gtdite[at]rit[dot]edu); Maureen Valentine, msvite [at] (msvite[at]rit[dot]edu) 

University of Michigan

Transportation Institute, Office of Research and the College of Engineering, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering  

Development of Human Factors and Automotive Standards Curricula Materials

To develop modules to teach undergraduate and graduate students about various standards pertaining to human factors engineering, human-computer interaction, and automotive engineering.

Paul Green, pagreen [at] (pagreen[at]umich[dot]edu) 

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FY 2015 Awardees

Carnegie Mellon University

College of Engineering, Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering / Engineering and Public Policy


Incorporating Standards Education into Courses on Environmental Management and Sustainability

To develop new online and traditional course materials related to environmental performance standards with a specific focus on ISO 14040, a life cycle assessment (LCA) standard designed to highlight the environmental impact of a product throughout its lifespan and areas for improvement in the production and use.  

Scott Matthews; Deanna Matthews

Jackson State University

College of Science, Engineering and Technology


Advancing and Integrating Knowledge of Telecommunication Standards into STEM Education

To design, develop, and deliver a course in telecommunication standards and standardization processes for senior undergraduate and graduate students. The course will be offered to electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science students, as well as students in the emerging multidisciplinary field of telecommunications engineering.

Tarek El-Bawab

Michigan State University


Fostering Standards Literacy in General Education

To develop and test course materials for standards education in courses required for all undergraduate students in MSU’s three Centers for Integrative Studies: Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences; and General Science by placing emphasis on the way standards are developed based on a combination of science, technologies, market influences, societal history, and politics.

Gabriel Ording, ordingga [at] (ordingga[at]msu[dot]edu); Paul B. Thompson, thomp649 [at] (thomp649[at]msu[dot]edu); John Stone, jvstone [at] (jvstone[at]anr[dot]msu[dot]edu); Lawrence Busch, lbusch [at] (lbusch[at]msu[dot]edu); Osvaldo Hernandez, herna106 [at] (herna106[at]msu[dot]edu); Ryan Kimbirauskas, kimbira1 [at] (kimbira1[at]msu[dot]edu); Thomas Smith, smitht48 [at] (smitht48[at]msu[dot]edu) 

University of Hartford

College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, Mechanical Engineering Program

Impact of Documentary and Measurement Standards and Standardization on Product Realization

To develop case studies in product design to introduce documentary and measurement standards and standardization into several course modules in the mechanical engineering curriculum.

Chittaranjan Sahay, sahay [at] (sahay[at]hartford[dot]edu); Suhash Ghosh, ghosh [at] (ghosh[at]hartford[dot]edu) 

University of Houston

College of Technology, Biotechnology Program

Integration of Standards, Models of Standardization and Science Policy for the 21st Century Biotechnology Workforce

To design, develop, and implement an online course in standards and biotechnology in collaboration with industry, academic, and government partners that will serve as a foundation for the standards curriculum in the University’s Biotechnology Program.

Rupa Iyer, iyer [at] (iyer[at]tarleton[dot]edu)Brian Iken, bniken [at] (bniken[at]uh[dot]edu)

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania Law School and Penn Program on Regulation

Codes and Standards in the Law

To develop and pilot five course modules on legal issues related to codes and standards that can be integrated into common and specialty law school courses, such as property law; administrative law; environmental law; real estate law; and intellectual property law; and including teaching materials that can be used by instructors with little or no prior knowledge in codes and standards.

Cary Coglianese, cary_coglianese [at] (cary_coglianese[at]law[dot]upenn[dot]edu); Shari Shapiro

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania Law School and Penn Program on Regulation

Codes and Standards in Public Policy Case Studies

To develop and pilot two in-depth, multi-media, and complementary public policy case studies on codes and standards to educate future lawyers and policymakers on the legal and administrative issues that surround the development, adoption, and enforcement of codes and standards, including extensive teaching materials for instructors.  

Cary Coglianese, cary_coglianese [at] (cary_coglianese[at]law[dot]upenn[dot]edu); Shari Shapiro

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FY 2014 Awardees

Drexel University

College of Arts and Sciences, Department of History 

Standards and Society: A Critical Curricular Platform

Drexel will organize and conduct a two-week summer workshop for graduate students in the social sciences and STEM disciplines focused on the role of standards in global patterns of industrial transformation and innovation.  Two new online courses and a Casebook on Standards and Society will support the curriculum.  This new curriculum combines contextual and practical elements and will introduce students to the political and economic trends that impact standards development, implementation and uptake.

Amy Slaton, slatonae [at] (slatonae[at]drexel[dot]edu); Sharon Ku, sharonku401 [at] (sharonku401[at]gmail[dot]com);  Tiago Saraiva, tfs37 [at] (tfs37[at]drexel[dot]edu); Scott Knowles, sgk23 [at] (sgk23[at]drexel[dot]edu) 

Everett Community College

Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing


Measurement Science Curricula Development for Advanced Manufacturing

Working with industry subject matter experts, Everett Community College will develop a course curriculum on measurement science that will be imbedded in their advanced manufacturing and aerospace programs that produce skilled workers for the U.S. aviation and aerospace industry. A short term course certificate will also be introduced.

Susan Bradshaw; Mary Kaye Bredeson

The George Washington University

GW Standards Education Initiative

A collaboration between the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) and the Institute of Public Policy. The George Washington Standards Education Initiative will support the development of a graduate-level foundational course on standards and standardization in the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. It will also introduce a new four-course certificate program on Environmental and Energy Management in the SEAS focusing on national and international system standards, including ISO 14000 Environmental Management and ISO 50001 Energy Management.

Jonathan Deason, jdeason [at] (jdeason[at]gwu[dot]edu); Joseph Cascio, cascio [at] (cascio[at]email[dot]gwu[dot]edu); Stephen Crawford, The George Washington University 

North Carolina State University

College of Textiles

Incorporating Standards Education into Courses on Textile Protection and Comfort

As part of the new NCSU Institute for Human Protection and Comfort Sciences, the College of Textiles will offer a Professional Science Masters in Human Protection and Comfort and instruction on standards and test methods will be integrated into four courses targeting advanced undergraduates and graduate students.  This instruction will be delivered on-campus and incorporated into short courses available through the NCSU Extension program expanding the reach of these new courses.

Roger Barker, roger_barker [at] (roger_barker[at]ncsu[dot]edu); Donald Thompson dthomps1 [at] (dthomps1[at]ncsu[dot]edu) 

Oklahoma State University

Emergency Egress Standards Film

OSU, the oldest fire safety academic program in North America, will design and produce a film, suitable for instructional use, on emergency building egress system design.  Working closely with the OSU Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence, which supports the creation of state-of-the-art instructional technology, the film will introduce students in a creative way to the challenges of egress design while emphasizing specific aspects of documentary standards that contribute to safe building egress.

Bryan Hoskins, bryan.hoskins [at] (bryan[dot]hoskins[at]okstate[dot]edu);
Jeanne Homer,  Jeanne.Homer [at] (Jeanne[dot]Homer[at]outlook[dot]com)

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Lee College of Engineering


Establishing Freshman-to-Senior Bookend Experiences to Provide Academic and Professional Introductions to Standardization

UNC-Charlotte College of Engineering will develop, implement, and evaluate course lectures and related assignments to introduce standardization to engineering students in the Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Systems Engineering departments. Standards instruction will be introduced in to ten courses and will be integrated into the required Senior project that culminates the academic program.

Mike Ogle, mogle1 [at] (mogle1[at]uncc[dot]edu) 

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FY 2013 Awardees

North Carolina State University

College of Textiles


Incorporating Standards Education into Courses on Textile Protection and Comfort

To develop new course materials on standards principles for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as distance education courses, on the comfort and protective performance of personal protective equipment (PPE) for protecting against exposures to fire and intense heat, chemical and biological threats, and mechanical and ballistic hazards.

Roger Barker, roger_barker [at] (roger_barker[at]ncsu[dot]edu); Donald Thompson dthomps1 [at] (dthomps1[at]ncsu[dot]edu) 

Stevens Institute of Technology

College of Arts and Letters


Design for Standardization: Standards Education from the Classroom to Everyday Practice

To create an upper-level undergraduate course, “Standards and Society”, that will be offered through Stevens’ Program in Science and Technology Studies, and to develop content modules to be incorporated into the Institute’s “Design Spine” in the Schafer School of Engineering and Science.  The Design Spine is a sequence of eight courses for engineering majors, through which students develop a set of competencies in creative thinking, problem solving, teamwork, economics of engineering, project management, communication skills, ethics, environmental awareness, and system thinking and is a unique and innovative way to motivate students to think more seriously about standards in their technical work at Stevens and throughout their careers.

Andrew Russell, arussell [at] (arussell[at]arussell[dot]org); Lee Vinsel, lee.vinsel [at] (lee[dot]vinsel[at]gmail[dot]com) 

University of Pittsburgh

School of Information Sciences



Standards: People, Process, Products and Productivity - Focus on Information Technology Standards

To develop ten modules on technical standards that can be used in the undergraduate or graduate information science curriculum.  The first three modules will provide an introduction to standards, standards setting organizations, and the standards development process; the other seven modules will address select topics spanning a range of disciplines including security standards, web standards, standards for cellular telephony and wireless networks, discussions on standards, big data and data mining.

Michael Spring, spring [at] (spring[at]pitt[dot]edu) 

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FY 2012 Awardees

Georgetown University

To develop a modular, online multi-disciplinary and multi-purpose standards curriculum for graduate and undergraduate students.

Linda Garcia, dlindagarcia [at] (dlindagarcia[at]gmail[dot]com) 

Michigan State University


To develop a module for strategic standards education that can serve as a model for a comprehensive standards curriculum plan. As part of this effort MSU identified sources of online and print materials that can be used in an introductory course on standards and standardization and identify gaps in resources to support a standards curriculum.

Paul B. Thompson, thomp649 [at] (thomp649[at]msu[dot]edu); John Stone, jvstone [at] (jvstone[at]anr[dot]msu[dot]edu); Lawrence Busch, lbusch [at] (lbusch[at]msu[dot]edu) 

Northwestern University

Center for Technology and Innovation Management

To develop, test, and refine various instructional materials, including course modules, exercises, simulations, and model syllabi to support the introduction of standards and standardization into undergraduate and graduate business and engineering education.

Jeffrey Strauss, j-strauss [at] (j-strauss[at]kellogg[dot]northwestern[dot]edu); Michael Radnor, Northwestern University 

San Jose State University Research Foundation

To develop a set of useful course materials on standards and standardization that can be easily integrated into existing course curriculum supporting business systems education and policy; the materials include case studies, supplemental materials, student study and discussion questions, and teaching notes to guide faculty. 

Stephen Kwan, stephen.kwan [at] (stephen[dot]kwan[at]sjsu[dot]edu); Nitin Aggarwal, nitin.aggarwal [at] (nitin[dot]aggarwal[at]sjsu[dot]edu) 

Standards Engineering Society

To implement a pilot project to introduce an e-learning series of self-paced courses into the STEM curriculum at Purdue University; the e-learning series includes related case studies and utilizes the Standards Aware learning modules.

Standards Engineering Society, admin [at] (admin[at]ses-standards[dot]org)Bruce Harding, Purdue University

Standards Engineering Society

To create a new course in the Standards Aware e-learning series focusing on how STEM disciplines use and rely on standards in a variety of real-world applications. STEM students at Purdue University will test and evaluate this course.

Standards Engineering Society, admin [at] (admin[at]ses-standards[dot]org)Bruce Harding, Purdue University

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  • NIST Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program
Created August 31, 2016, Updated January 14, 2025