Mark Stiles is a Project Leader and NIST Fellow in the Alternative Computing Group in the Nanoscale Device Characterization Division of the Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML). His research, published in over 175 papers, has focused on the development of a variety of theoretical methods for predicting the properties of magnetic nanostructures and has recently shifted to neuromorphic computing. He has helped organize numerous conferences and has served the American Physical Society on the Executive Committee of the Division of Condensed Matter Physics and as Chair and on the Executive Committee of the Topical Group on Magnetism. He has also served as a Divisional Associate Editor for Physical Review Letters, served on the Editorial Board of Physical Review Applied, and is an Associate Editor for Reviews of Modern physics. Mark is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and IEEE and has been awarded the Silver Medal from the Department of Commerce and the Samuel Wesley Stratton Award from NIST.