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Gretchen K Campbell (Fed)

Gretchen Campbell is the co-director of the Joint Quantum Institute, a joint institute between the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland. Dr. Campbell received a B.A. in Physics from Wellesley College in 2001, and received a Ph.D from MIT in 2007. From 2006 to 2009 she was an NRC postdoctoral fellow at JILA in Boulder, Colorado. Dr. Campbell joined NIST and the JQI in 2009. She is currently a JQI Fellow and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland.

Dr. Campbell’s research has included a wide range of experimental work in the field of ultracold atomic gases. At the Joint Quantum Institute, she created some of the first atomtronic circuits, closed circuits in which cold, superfluid atoms play a role analogous to that of superconducting electrons in electronic circuits. Among the results of this work have been inclusion of a weak-link into a superfluid circuit, the observation of hysteresis in an atomtronic device and the first direct, interferometric measurement of the current-phase relationship of a superfluid weak-link.

She is a fellow of the American Physical Society. Her awards include the Arthur Flemming Award (2012); the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (2012); the Sigma Xi Katharine Blodgett Gebbie Young Scientist Award (2013); the APS Maria Goeppert Mayer Award (2015), and the IUPAP C15 Young Scientist Prize (2015). She was also a Finalist for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals, Call to Service category (2015).

Descriptions of Dr Campbell’s current research and information on her group can be found at: is external)


Grating magneto-optical traps with complicated level structures

Daniel Barker, Peter Elgee, Ananya Sitaram, Eric Norrgard, Nikolai Klimov, Gretchen K. Campbell, Stephen Eckel
We study the forces and optical pumping within grating magneto-optical traps (MOTs) operating on transitions with non-trivial level structure. In contrast to
Created October 9, 2019, Updated December 8, 2022