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Abijith Kowligy (Assoc)


Fully phase-stabilized 1 GHz turnkey frequency comb at 1.5 μm

Daniel Lesko, Alexander Lind, Nazanin Hoghooghi, Abijith S. Kowligy, Henry R. Timmers, Pooja Sekhar, Benjamin Rudin, Florian Emaury, Gregory B. Rieker, Scott Diddams
Low noise and high repetition rate optical frequency combs have been desirable for many applications from timekeeping to precision spectroscopy. With higher

Mid-infrared frequency combs at 10 GHz

Abijith S. Kowligy, David Carlson, Daniel D. Hickstein, Henry R. Timmers, Alexander Lind, Scott Papp, Scott Diddams
We demonstrate 10 GHz mid-infrared frequency combs spanning 3-5 μm and 7-11 μm that are generated with few-cycle electro-optic pulses and intrapulse difference

All-fiber frequency comb at 2 µm providing 1.4-cycle pulses

Sida Xing, Abijith S. Kowligy, Daniel Lesko, Alexander Lind, Scott Diddams
We report an all-fiber approach to generating sub-2-cycle pulses at 2 µm and a corresponding octave-spanning optical frequency comb. Our configuration

Patents (2018-Present)

Methods And Apparatus For Generating Mid-Infrared Frequency Combs

NIST Inventors
Scott Diddams , Scott Papp and Abijith Kowligy
Apparatus and methods for generating mid-IR frequency combs using intra-pulse DFG. A mode-locked pulse generation laser generates near-IR pulses which are amplified. The amplified pulses are spectrally broadened by a nonlinear element, for example a normal dispersion highly nonlinear fiber (ND-HNLF)
Created August 27, 2019, Updated December 9, 2022