With major reported data breaches in 2016 hitting a record high and an average of one health data breach per day, the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program is wasting no time in helping organizations prepare their own cybersecurity risk management programs.
Cisco, a worldwide leader in information technology and cyber resilience, is sponsoring a new Baldrige Cybersecurity Workshop, in conjunction with the Baldrige Quest for Excellence© Conference, the nation’s premier learning conference for organizational performance excellence, on Sunday, April 2, at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront. The interactive workshop will show participants how to conduct self-assessments of their organizations’ cybersecurity programs, utilizing the Baldrige Cybersecurity Excellence Builder. Participants will look at their programs’ effectiveness and efficiency, assess the cybersecurity results they achieve, and identify priorities for improving risk management efforts.
The Baldrige Cybersecurity Excellence Builder will be available in late March on the Baldrige website and distributed at the Baldrige Cybersecurity Workshop. This voluntary self-assessment tool is based on the Cybersecurity Framework, managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) Applied Cybersecurity Division, and the Baldrige Excellence Framework, compiled by the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program at NIST.
In addition, the Quest conference will feature a Baldrige Cybersecurity Panel Discussion on Monday, April 3, about the impact of cybersecurity risk management on organizations and on the use of the Baldrige Cybersecurity Excellence Builder. Panel members will report on their experiences and key lessons learned. The session will be highly interactive, with question-and-answer opportunities.
Registration is now open, on a first-come, first-served basis, for the Baldrige Cybersecurity Workshop and Baldrige Quest for Excellence Conference. All who are concerned with and responsible for mission-driven, cybersecurity-related policy and operations, including board and executive management, chief security officers, chief information officers, and risk management personnel, among others, should consider attending the workshop. The Quest conference will feature role-model best practices in leadership; strategy; customers; measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; workforce; and operations. One-day registrations and discounts are available.