NIST is the Designating Authority of U.S. TCBs to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Prospective TCBs must apply through NIST. NIST will review the information provided for completeness and designate qualified organizations to the FCC. The FCC will review the documentation and work with NIST and the TCB to resolve any outstanding issues. Recognition is issued by the FCC once all requirements have been met.
The FCC’s administrative and technical requirements are outlined in the latest copy of the TCB Program Roles and Responsibilities document.
The key information that the FCC will review for each TCB that is designated is listed in the FCC Mutual Recognition Agreement document, Section D10.
In addition to the information listed in Section D10 referenced above, there are some additional documents that the FCC requests. This information is incorporated in the list below and is denoted by an “*”.
Once the certification body has obtained ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation from one of the NIST-recognized domestic TCB accreditation bodies (A2LA or ANAB) and is ready to apply for TCB designation, the prospective TCB shall (1) submit Items 1, 2, 3 and 8 directly to NIST via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov) and (2) request that their accreditation body send Items 5, 6, and 7 and 9 directly to NIST via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov).
1. TCB information
a) Name of the Organization (TCB)
b) Address
c) Contact name, title, address (if different from above), email, and phone number
d) Identification number (to be assigned by NIST)
e) FCC Registration Number (FRN #) Prospective TCBs can obtain this FRN from the FCC website
2. The TCBs ISO/IEC 17065 product certification Scope and Certificate of Accreditation. These documents must include:
a) Name of accreditation body
b) Date of accreditation
c) Expiration date
d) Accreditation standard (ISO/IEC 17065)
e) Scope of Accreditation covering one or more of the FCC scopes (A1-A4, B1- B4, C*) and each FCC scope title exactly as listed in Table 1 of the TCB Program Roles and Responsibilities Document. *Note that NIST does not designate TCBs for FCC scope C.
3. The TCB’s ISO/IEC 17025 Scope and Certificate of Accreditation from its supporting testing laboratory. These documents must include:
a) Name of lab accreditation body (must be from an FCC-recognized U.S. Test Firm Accreditation Body)
b) Date of accreditation
c) Expiration date
d) Accreditation Standard (ISO/IEC 17025)
e) Scope of laboratory accreditation for TCB scope requirements
Note that the TCB may have more than one supporting test lab. All supporting test labs for US TCBs must be in the United States and be affiliated/owned by the TCB.
Additional requirements for the supporting test lab(s) are noted in 4 below.
4. The TCB supporting test lab(s) must be FCC recognized for "core" FCC testing.
Note that “core” testing, since mid-2024, has been clarified by the FCC to mean that the TCB supporting test lab(s) must be (1) FCC recognized (2) for the appropriate FCC TEST LAB scopes [See Table A1 of the Accredited Test Lab Program Roles and Responsibilities KDB 974614 D01 and the correlation of these FCC TEST LAB scopes to the TCB Scopes in Table 3 of the TCB Program Roles and Responsibilities KDB 641163], with (3) correct frequency coverage, (4) for all products being certified by the TCB.
Please see the FCC rules reference for the required frequencies here:
§ 2.1057(a) “In all of the measurements set forth in §§ 2.1051 and 2.1053, the spectrum shall be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal generated in the equipment, without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the frequency shown below:
The FCC has also confirmed, in mid-2024, that the TCB may not certify products for which the affiliated supporting test lab(s) do not have the FCC-recognition for the FCC TEST LAB Scopes to test the products, to the appropriate required frequencies.
Please see the FCC rule part reference specifying the TCB test lab capabilities:
§ 2.962(c)(3), “The TCB shall have the technical expertise and capability to test the equipment it will certify and shall also be accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 (incorporated by reference, see § 2.910) to demonstrate it is competent to perform such tests.”
The TCB must ensure that the TCB supporting test labs stay up to date with test capabilities and must update the FCC recognition of the supporting test lab(s) as FCC regulations and products change.
NIST will verify that the supporting laboratory is included on the list of FCC-recognized test firms for the appropriate FCC Test Lab Scopes and frequencies to support the TCB scopes – in accordance with the above requirements. See the FCC’s EAS Test Firm Search.
5. The ISO/IEC 17065 Assessment Report and Deficiency Report issued by the accreditation body.
6. Corrective action responses for deficiencies that were cited during the ISO/IEC 17065 assessment.
7. FCC TCB Checklist completed by accreditation body assessor.
The accreditor must assess the TCB to all applicable elements of the FCC Checklist. The accreditor shall maintain a copy of all checklists completed during assessments and shall provide a copy of the most recently completed checklist upon request.
8. Specify the name(s), title(s), and e-mail addresses of TCB personnel that are qualified to perform the following FCC Key Employee functions:
a) Application Reviewer
b) EMC Reviewer
c) SAR Qualified Reviewer
d) General RF Exposure Reviewer
e) Decision Maker
f) Administrative Contact
9*. The TCB supporting lab’s final signed FCC Accredited Testing Laboratory Checklist completed by the lab’s accreditation body (and submitted to the FCC during the lab FCC recognition process). This document must be provided by the accreditation body directly to NIST.
Please send the above information to NIST electronically via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov.)
Each US-located TCB recognized by the FCC must apply for renewal of their recognition prior to the FCC TCB recognition expiration date (which may differ from the accreditation expiration date).
The application involves submittal of documents by the TCB (see A) and by your Accreditation Body (AB) (see B):
A. The TCB shall submit the following to NIST (mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov)) along a request for renewal of the FCC TCB recognition:
B. Please ask your AB to submit the following to NIST (mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov)):
Most current list of Key Employees
- For renewal assessments, the AB may include this information in the TCB Checklist, the assessment report, or through some other type of AB signed documentation.
- There must be at least one person identified for each role specified in Table 4 of the TCB Roles and Responsibilities document.
- NIST will review this information and work with the TCB and AB to resolve any issues or obtain any additional information needed to update the FCC OET website KEL list with the latest information.
Note about the proposed renewal date: The TCB recognition renewal date proposed by NIST to the FCC will normally be based on the earliest of either (1) the TCB Checklist AB assessment completed date + 2 years, or (2) the expiration date of the ISO/IEC 17065 Scope of Accreditation.
NIST can request a modification to the FCC TCB recognition expiration date if the modified date remains within the two-year validity date of the FCC TCB Checklist. Modifying the FCC TCB recognition expiration date beyond this not permitted. Please contact NIST via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov) for further information.
Reference: FCC TCB Program Roles and Responsibilities document, FCC KDB 641163 D01, Section K)
NIST, as the Designating Authority for U.S. TCBs (to the FCC) is also responsible for updating the Key Employee list for TCBs. This list must remain up-to-date in the FCC EAS system.
TCBs are required to notify NIST and their ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation body within 30 days if a Key Employee leaves the TCB or is no longer performing their approved roles.
The TCB may be subject to a reassessment when there is a change in Key Employees that affects the technical competence of the TCB.
To add new Key Employees or expand the roles of existing Key Employees, TCBs must provide NIST with the following: (1) name, (2) email address, and (3) objective evidence (form, email, letter or report) from the ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation body confirming that the employee has been assessed and found competent for each of the roles requested.
TCBs wishing to expand the scope of their FCC TCB recognition shall submit the relevant supporting information noted in 1, 2, 3 and 8 above to NIST via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov), and request that their accreditation body send Items 5, 6, 7 and 9 directly to NIST via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov).
TCBs that change the ISO/IEC 17065 AB used to support the FCC TCB recognition shall submit the relevant supporting information noted in Items 1, 2, 3 and 8 above to NIST via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov), and request that their accreditation body send Items 5, 6, 7 and 9 directly to NIST via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov).
TCBs that change the ISO/IEC 17025 AB used for the TCB supporting lab on record with the FCC shall provide NIST with the following information:
1. The TCB supporting lab’s ISO/IEC 17025 Scope and Certificate of Accreditation issued by the new AB.
a. The supporting lab must be designated to the FCC by the new AB and be an FCC recognized test firm that is accredited for "core" FCC testing (as defined in Section I (4) above) to support the TCB scope(s).
b. See the FCC’s EAS Test Firm Search.
2. A letter from the TCB’s ISO/IEC 17065 AB attesting to the following:
a. The ISO/IEC 17065 AB has reviewed the ISO/IEC 17025 Scope of Accreditation issued by the new ISO/IEC 17025 AB and confirms that the Scope meets all FCC-required "core" testing requirements (as defined in Section I (4) above) to support the TCB’s FCC Scopes per the TCB Program Roles and Responsibilities document.
b. The TCB continues to meet all requirements in the FCC TCB Checklist, including those that apply to the TCB supporting lab. The letter must either reference the date of the last checklist completed or the TCB AB can complete and submit a new one. The FCC does not accept partial checklists.
This information will be submitted to the FCC for their consideration.
TCBs wishing to change their supporting lab on record must provide the following to NIST via mra [at] (mra[at]nist[dot]gov).
1. A letter from the TCB’s ISO/IEC 17065 Accreditation Body attesting to the following:
a. The AB has reviewed the ISO/IEC 17025 Scope of the new U.S. location and it meets all FCC-required "core" testing requirements (as defined in Section I (4) above) to support the TCB’s FCC Scopes per the TCB Program Roles and Responsibilities document.
b. The AB has reviewed the relevant contractual arrangements/agreements and any other ownership information (if relevant) and has found that there are no issues regarding conflict of interest and impartiality vis-à-vis the ownership of the supporting lab or TCB.
c. The TCB continues to meet all requirements in the FCC TCB Checklist, including those that apply to the TCB supporting lab. The letter must either reference the date of the last checklist completed or the TCB AB can complete and submit a new one. The FCC does not accept partial checklists.
2. The ISO/IEC 17065 Scope and Certificate.
3. The ISO/IEC 17025 Scope and Certificate of the new supporting lab.
This information will be submitted to the FCC for their consideration.
To view the FCC-recognized TCBs located in the United States, follow these instructions:
(1) Go to the FCC OET Database Link
(2) On the left navigation bar, select the TCB Search link under the Reports tab
(3) Select the desired Country on the dropdown bar. Leave all other spaces blank in General Information
(4) Hit the Search usa-button
The resulting list will include each TCB located in the relevant Country that is recognized by the FCC. Note that each TCB may be listed multiple times - once for each scope of recognition (such as A1, A2, etc.) it has.