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Come Hang Out With Us to Talk Identity and Innovation in Health Care

Identity is critical to Health Information Technology (HIT), particularly when it comes to sharing health information online.  Patients and health providers aren’t going to share personal information if they can’t solve the “identity conundrum” – how to validate that information is going to the right person.

We’re excited to participate with the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT in an Innovation Engagement Hangout on Google that will dive into some of the new ways developers can address the identity conundrum, leveraging new approaches spurred in part by NSTIC.  The Hangout, on December 18th at 2:00 PM, will highlight what the NSTIC NPO is doing, in concert with the private sector, to try to develop a more mature identity toolkit that will make it easier for developers to support easy-to-use identity solutions that protect and enhance security and privacy.  We’ll also touch on President Obama’s recent Executive Order 13681, which requires agencies to ensure that all agencies making personal data accessible to citizens through digital applications require the use of multiple factors of authentication and an effective identity proofing process.

The Hangout will feature Jeremy Grant from the NSTIC NPO and Eve Maler, VP of Innovation & Emerging Technology at ForgeRock, as they discuss the recent White House EO and the NSTIC vision for a vibrant Identity Ecosystem—with a special focus on how health IT startups can get involved in these efforts.

Join the Hangout:

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