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NIST Rescission Bills Update

  • H.R. 889, the Defense Spending Bill that includes a proposed rescission from the FY 1995 appropriation to the NIST Advanced Technology Program, was reported out of the House/Senate conference committee on Wednesday, 4/5/95. The conference report proposed a rescission of $90 million for the ATP. This differs from the rescission amounts proposed in both the Senate ($32 million)  and House ($107 million) versions of the bill. The conference report, designated House Report 104-101, passed the House on Thursday, 4/6/95, by a vote of 343-80. The Senate passed the conference report by voice vote on 4/6/95, clearing the measure for the President.
  • H.R. 1158 (also known as S.617), the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, that looked to rescind $13.3 billion in previously appropriated funds ($5.7 billion to be used for disaster relief and the rest to help cut the deficit) and proposed rescissions from the FY 1995 appropriations to three NIST programs, was considered by the Senate on 4/6/95. The proposed rescissions for NIST programs, as reported out of the Senate Appropriations Committee on 3/24/95, were: $19.5 million from the NIST Scientific and Technical Research Services (STRS, the NIST laboratory and research programs), $26.5 million from the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and $600,000 from the Baldrige National Quality Program. This version of H.R. 1158 differed from the version passed by the House on 3/16/95 in that the House proposed a rescission from the STRS of $16.5 million.

Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC) proposed an amendment to H.R. 1158 during debate on 4/6/95 that asked for $37.5 million to be restored to four proposed rescissions from the Commerce Department. The amendment proposed the following restorations: $24 million to the MEP, $7 million to the NOAA Climate and Global Change Research Program, $5 million to the NOAA Coastal Ocean Program and $1.5 million to the Commerce Department's Under Secretary for Technology. 

These restorations would be offset by the following rescissions: $30 million from the NIST Construction of Research Facilities appropriation ( the 10-year program to replace technically obsolete research facilities at NIST Gaithersburg, Md., and Boulder, Colo., sites that received a FY 1995 appropriation of $64.7 million), $5 million from NOAA construction funds and $2.5 million from the GOES satellite contingency.

A motion to table the amendment was defeated 57-43. Following this, the amendment passed by a voice vote. H.R. 1158 then passed the Senate by a vote of 99-0.


H.R. 889

Conference report, including $90 million proposed rescission in FY 1995 ATP appropriation, out of House/Senate conference on 4/5/95 and passed House on 4/6/95 by 343-80 vote.

Senate passed conference report by voice vote, clearing the measure for the President.

H.R. 1158

House version, including three rescissions to the FY 1995 NIST appropriation ($16.5 million from Scientific and Technical Research Services, $26.5 million from the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and $600 thousand from the Baldrige National Quality Program), passed House on 3/16/95 by 227-200 vote.

Senate Appropriations Committee marked up H.R. 1158 on 3/24/95. Proposed rescissions are $19.5 million from the Scientific and Technical Research Services, $26.5 million from the MEP, and $600 thousand from the Baldrige National Quality Program.

Bill considered on Senate floor on 4/6/95. Hollings Amendment approved that restored $24 million to the proposed rescission to the MEP along with $13.5 million to other programs.  The total $37.5 million restoration was offset by new rescissions, including $30 million from the NIST Construction of Research Facilities FY 1995 appropriation.

The Senate version of H.R. 1158, now including four rescissions to the FY 1995 NIST appropriation ($19.5 million from the STRS, $2.5 million from the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, $600 thousand from the Baldrige National Quality Program and $30 million from the Construction of Research Facilities), passed on 4/6/95 by a vote of 99-0. The bill now goes to House/Senate conference.


Released April 7, 1995, Updated February 3, 2025