The Official Baldrige Blog
This is a two-part blog, each about just one day. Part A Just one day.... after four weeks of examiner training ended for 2013 it happened. I had a customer service experience that would have made a great story for the customer service tales I usually recount at our Wednesday evening sessions.
My wife and I frequently buy our poultry at a butcher that has fresh chicken and turkey products, naturally fed, etc. We went this past Saturday and made a purchase for $29.22. We gave the service person our credit card and wondered when she called the owner over to the credit card machine. He subsequently came over to us and apologized profusely that the "2 key" sticks on their machine and we had inadvertently been charged $22,292.22. The service person had not checked until the charge was accepted and the receipt printed. They immediately entered a credit for the same amount, but they thought we may want to call the credit card company while in the store, in case there were any questions they had to answer.
One might first wonder why the charge was even accepted by the bank. People don't generally spend $22,000 at the butcher; it certainly was an unusually high single purchase for us; and, as we later found out, put us over our credit limit. Nevertheless, when we called, after five minutes on hold, the first thing I was asked was why did I agree to the purchase. I countered that they have questioned less unusual purchases in the past before approving them and that I had never agreed to the purchase, that this all happened before the merchant ever told me about the error. I was informed by the bank that the purchase appears immediately, but that credits take two days to process and therefore I was being billed an "over limit" charge. After much complaining, I was transferred to the security department and then a supervisor in that department. The butcher got to talk to all of them as well.
After an hour (including when they inadvertently disconnected us, so we had to start over) I believe all is finally resolved and we will supposedly not receive any over limit charge. I don't have room here to tell all the gory details, but you would certainly be amused at our banking system foibles. The good news is that I now have the cell number (in case of any issues) of my new best friend, the butcher, and he was so embarrassed and concerned that the meat was given to us as a gift!
Part B Just one day... a few days from now, I will sign the final papers and be retired after 40 years at NIST and 21 years with Baldrige. Just one day, like any other. But what a day of change...not a good-bye, just a change. After a mandatory (government rules) month away, pending government approval, I plan on returning to NIST on an intermittent appointment in the NIST Director's office. In addition I would have the opportunity, as Director Emeritus, to help the new Baldrige Program Director in a support role. I also look forward to having the privilege of continuing to interact with all my friends and colleagues in the Baldrige community. In the interim, and after returning, I will spend more time with grandchildren and family, hopefully do some teaching, and relax a little more. The past 21 years have been a true delight and privilege. The privilege to work with and represent all of you is more than I could have ever dreamed. I am thankful for the most warm and supportive colleagues in the Baldrige staff. I have been amazed by the dedication and outpouring of love from the Baldrige volunteers and Award recipients. And I have been doubly blessed by a loving wife and family who have been there for me at every turn. So, just for a day....I say good-bye, recognizing that saying good-bye is necessary before you can say hello again. And meeting again whether in a month or a year, is a certainty for friends. Bless you all!