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Accelerated Weathering Laboratory: Metrology and Technology Transfer


The NIST Accelerated Weathering Laboratory provides researchers with well-quantified accelerated-aging environments, using a unique 2m SPHERE (Simulated Photodegradation via High Energy Radiant Exposure) device. The 2m SPHERE enables NIST to evaluate engineered infrastructural materials, which perform critical functions in infrastructure systems, such as structural support (composites), corrosion protection of structural elements (coatings), weatherproofing (roofing, siding) or sealing the building envelope.  These materials experience changes in their properties when exposed to outdoor weathering, such as water, UV, elevated temperatures, thermal cycling, and mechanical fatigue.  These property changes generally result in lower performance of the materials than assumed when the materials were selected and initially installed.  The SPHERE can expose these materials to prescribed spectra and intensity of UV, under controlled temperature, relative humidity and strain.  The development of reliable performance data requires accelerated weathering exposure equipment capable of conducting controlled, repeatable, and precise accelerated aging experiments. These experiments are essential to developing performance models for service life and durability.  Developing measurement science tools for service life prediction, such as validation studies, material degradation databases, and advances in weathering and durability standards and codes are essential for producing innovative materials for resilient infrastructure. Currently, NIST/Industry efforts have been successful in accurately measuring and predicting the durability of materials exposed to outdoor weathering based upon scientific evidence using 2m NIST SPHERE.  The long-term goal is to transfer SPHERE technology to industry - in support of this goal, a commercially viable, smaller 6-port SPHERE has been constructed and will be introduced to potential industrial adoptees.  ​


By 2027, validate and implement the NIST Accelerated Weathering Laboratory (AWL) technology for conducting accurate and traceable aging experiments. By 2028, transfer the SPHERE technology to industrial stakeholders.

Technical Idea
A NIST Accelerated Weathering Laboratory (AWL) has been developed to deliver the best in the world, NIST traceable weathering measurement technology to stakeholders. Current commercial technology for accelerated weathering includes design and engineering innovations to improve irradiance light exposure uniformity and intensity, airflow, temperature, and relative humidity control [1-3]. Although commercial weathering devices are dominated by xenon arc lamp systems and traditional mercury lamps, the integrating sphere technology used in NIST weathering devices provides the highest uniformity and intensity of UV irradiation and the electrode-less microwave-energized mercury arc lamp provides more stability.  Furthermore, the SPHERE has novel environmental chambers that have precise control of temperature and relative humidity. Some NIST environmental chambers also offer mechanical stress in tension or compression.

The AWL can be used to conduct accelerated weathering experiments on material systems used in construction and other infrastructure applications, support advances in weathering metrology capabilities, facilitate the transfer of UV integrating sphere exposure technology, enable service life prediction model validation and promote advances in standards and codes. The AWL is composed of the NIST 2m SPHERE, the 0.5 m sphere 6-port device, the 0.5 m strain SPHERE, and hygrothermal test chambers (no UV component). 

To meet the needs of researchers using the AWL (both NIST staff and external collaborators), a focus is placed on (1) development of a commercially viable version of NIST SPHERE - the 0.5 m (6-port) SPHERE and (2) developing validation protocols to confirm the 0.5 m (6-port) SPHERE performance against the current 2m SPHERE. The 2m SPHERE has been operating for more 20 years and is heralded [3] as a benchmark for the SPHERE technology such that its well-documented environmental conditions (temperature, UV, and relative humidity) data will be used to validate any new SPHERE devices. Currently, the design and construction of the first prototype 6-port SPHERE with 6-enviromental chambers are completed and operation conditions are under testing to compare the performance of 2m SPHERE. A vendor has been contracted to build six environmental chambers using NIST designs and expected to deliver by July 2024.  With success in installation and operation of the commercially viable (2nd) 6-port SPHERE, NIST can demonstrate the possibility of a turn-key 6-port SPHERE working with Labsphere and the chamber contract vendor. Additionally, an extensive SPHERE irradiance calibration using a commercially spectral radiometer system will be completed to maintain accurate irradiance values for any weathering device and provide a commercial irradiance measurement system. 

Research Plan
In FY25, this project will focus to achieve operation of a NIST-traceable weathering device, the 6-Port SPHERE system for the development of complementary standard test methods to improve accuracy of accelerated aging for our stakeholders.  The project products will provide specifiers (architects, engineers, inspectors, and builders) the knowledge needed to select materials for new construction and estimate of the remaining service life of materials already in place for a most resilient structure.  The research plan consists of the following tasks:

  • Engage industry partners to advance and transfer measurement science to stakeholders in an effective, timely manner. FY25 encouragement will include working with scientific peers (academia, consultants, workshop/conference attendees), industrial peers (ex. former consortium members, testing labs), standards organizations, end users (specifiers-architects, building engineers, inspectors) to generate awareness and demand for the NIST SPHERE scientific products. In addition to attending standards organizations (ASTM), PI will work with American Coatings Association (ACA) to organize a Service Life Prediction symposium at 2025 CoatingsTech to showcase and recruit early adopters of the new 6-port SPHERE.
  • Achieve full operation of the prototype (1st) 6-port SPHERE and complete testing and validate the capabilities of environmental chambers of the commercially viable (2nd) 6-port SPHERE. In FY25, the chamber control system (hardware, electronics, air flow, water supply, and controlling software/sensors) of the 1st 6-port will be fully debugged and expected to run robustly. In the meantime, 6 environmental chambers delivered by the contractor for the 2nd 6-port SPHERE will be tested and validated with the capabilities (operation limit of temperature/relative humidity).
  • Continue to establish an absolute UV-vis Spectra Irradiance Measurement System for measuring the irradiance of the SPHERE devices.   Infrastructure Materials Group (IMG) owns and operates a NIST-calibrated spectroradiometer (CAS 140C) with an irradiance probe for automating the irradiance measurements of the existing 2m SPHERE and provides NIST with accurate NIST-calibrated irradiance data. Due to a higher UV intensity of 6-Port (0.5m) SPHERE, the current CAS140C cannot accurately measure the irradiance (the intensity of the 6-Port SPHERE is 4 times higher than the 2m SPHERE). IMG acquired a CDS-2600 UV-vis spectrometer from Labsphere, Inc. in 2017 for measuring the higher irradiance of the 0.5 m SPHERE. This spectrometer can measure the higher spectra irradiance but provides insufficient irradiance data below 280nm. Furthermore, it is difficult to attain accurate calibration files (including stay light correction) from the system to integrate into the IMG-established automated irradiance measurement program.  In FY 2024, a new spectroradiometer (CAS140D-157U2B) with compatible API (application programming interface) was purchased. Upon the arrival of the new spectrometer, we will configure and incorporate the existing SPHERE irradiance measurement program into the new spectroradiometer and compare the irradiance measurement results of the 2m SPHERE wall and one port with the results from the existing NIST radiometer. Action items for FY 25: (i) Improving the SPHERE irradiance calibration process for route and manual acquisition, (ii) Streamlining the SPHERE irradiance measurement for USERs. 
  • Continue to validate the performance of 6-port SPHERE to 2m SPHERE, including the effect of lower UV wavelength (< 300 nm) on the reciprocity law.  Benchmarking the 6-port SPHERE system will also be accomplished by degrading a well-characterized polymer system and validating against results from the 2m SPHERE. The materials selection will also include (not limited to) several polymer systems containing UV stabilizing components, commercial products (PVC siding), and multi-layer photovoltaic back sheet systems. Compare data with known uncertainties at various UV doses, UV exposure conditions from 6-Port, 2 m SPHERE, outdoor, and other weathering results to demonstrate the UV exposure results from 6-Port are reliable, repeatable, and can be used for service life prediction (SLP) for shorter accelerating period.


  1. Buyers Guide: Accelerated Weathering.” Coatings World Magazine. Online. Accessed June 11, 2020;
  2. Wu Highly Accelerated UV Weathering: When and How to Use it”, in Chapter 6, “Service Life Prediction of Polymers and Plastics Exposed to Outdoor Weathering,” Dec 4, 2017. Elsevier, (2017)
  3. “Laboratory Apparatus and Testing Equipment.” JCT Coatings Tech., November-December 2013; Atlas Material Testing Technology LLC (Chicago, Illinois); Q-Lab Corporation (Westlake, OH)
  4. “Ultraviolet Chambers Based on Integrating SPHERES for Use in Artificial Weathering,” J. W. Chin, E. Byrd, N. Embree, J. Martin, J.D. Tate, J. Coatings Tech., 2002, 74(929), 39.

Major Accomplishments

FY18 and FY19: For the NIST Accelerated Weathering Lab, accomplishments centered around the 2m SPHERE operation improvements and the installations of the small SPHERE devices.  For SPHERE maintenance: formalized maintenance schedule for 2m SPHERE consumable components; upgraded to 2m SPHERE strain chambers to independent operation (previously daisy-chained operation); and documented, using CAD drawings, the components of the SPHERE devices and ducting/hardware for the facilities control systems in the laboratories for the 2m SPHERE and smaller SPHERE devices.  For small SPHERE installation: completed the ducting for the smaller SPHERE devices; upgraded positioner for irradiance measurements for SPHERE devices using linear encoders for faster and more accurate position location; procured a commercial radiometer instrument, modified specifically for SPHERE high intensity lights; developed a plan for a SLP database to contain SPHERE operation and materials characterization data; and developed a SPHERE operation web-based program.  Dow Chemical purchased a strain SPHERE from LabSphere, our partner in creating the SPHERE Devices. For the Accelerated Weathering of Engineering Polymeric Systems project:  Measurement science tools, including traceable measurements, database, validated statistical model were completed on a variety of industrially relevant polymeric materials.  A database of property changes (damage) vs. UV irradiance and exposure conditions was compiled for the legacy, model epoxy amine system (glassy, cross-linked polymer), polyethylene (thermoplastic polymers, and poly(ethylene terephthalate).  Another polyester system was also studied in 2018.  Mechanical properties for all polymer systems were used for the initial modeling and validation exercise.  The chemical properties were also examined to better explain the progress in degradation.

FY20: For the 6-Port SPHERE Operation task, an experimental plan was executed to define capabilities and standard operating procedure for the commercial (LabSphere) radiometer and compare to NIST radiometer system.  Two steps of the plan were completed: a positioner was fabricated for radiometer fiber assembly and software for operation and a standard operating procedure (SOP) was drafted for commercial radiometer.  The irradiance SOP will be refined for the EL Budget Milestone.  COVID19 has delayed the completion of the report on the irradiance results of commercial versus NIST radiometers as a set of irradiance measurements were scheduled for the end of March.  The greater ambient operating temperature (50C versus 30C) of the 6-Port SPHERE was verified with a series of temperature measurements at sample surface and methods to mitigate sample surface temperature in 6-Port SPHERE, potentially via a cooling system or a modified sample holder arrangement has been investigated and will be summarized in a report. Standardized protocols for most laboratory accelerated experiments require 30C temperatures. The installation of one prototype environmental chamber on 6-Port SPHERE was completed. This included the hardware/electrical/electronics and software, the water system for humidity generation, and the safety control system.  COVID19 delayed the completion of the operation parameters testing.   A report will be completed to document the environmental chamber components and operation. A report describing the experimental plan, including irradiance measurements and well-characterized polymer system (epoxy amine) degradation experimental results, for the benchmarking the operation of 6-Port SPHERE compared to 2m SPHERE was completed.  The preparation procedure was modified to successfully prepare the epoxy amine specimens for the exposure experiment. The reciprocity experiment with epoxy amine on 6-Port SPHERE, using 30C, dry conditions and 4 different UV levels and similar conditions on the 2m SPHERE was started.  COVID19 has delayed the completion of the experiment. 

For the SPHERE Engagement task, a white paper is in process on the SPHERE device impact to drive NIST research in accelerated aging. The paper will include a review of all weathering standards from a variety of SDOs and committees (ASTM, IEC, IEEE, UL) working with IMG staff and their current standard engagements, identify stakeholders whose applications provide impact on SPHERE device, examine overlap with Resilience Goal including Disaster and Failure programs, and solicit input from 4 defined communities (Scientific, Industrial, Standards Organizations (above already), and End Users).  COVID19 has delayed a symposium on Service Life Prediction and other means to solicit input from the four communities.  Plans for a survey will be developed for approval to be executed next year. 

For the SPHERE Data Validation task, the results for the performance properties from PE, PET, and the polyester system from the former accelerated weathering of polymers project were compiled into a dataset for model validation. The work will be published in a peer reviewed journal.  A real industrial relevant polymer system, a similar PE system with UV absorbers was selected.  A design of experiment was drafted to include 2m SPHERE, 6-Port SPHERE (with key UV exposure parameters, time and chamber constraints) and outdoor exposure components to implement experimental design for fast service life prediction. COVID19 has delayed the completion of the data compilation and model validation.

Created December 1, 2017, Updated March 9, 2025