Michigan State University received awards in 2012, 2015, and 2017.
NIST Standards Services Group Education Challenge Grant Awardee (2012)
Michigan State University (MSU) developed a module for strategic standards education that can serve as a model for a comprehensive standards curriculum plan. As part of this effort MSU identified sources of online and print materials that can be used in an introductory course on standards and standardization and identified gaps in resources to support a standards curriculum.
A final summary paper for this award is available here.
Additionally, a paper was published about this award in the SES Journal and is available here: Standards Education in the Liberal Arts: Curricular Materials and Educational Strategies, Paul B. Thompson, John V. Stone, and Lawrence M. Busch, Michigan State University (Jul/Aug 2015).
The contacts for this project are Paul B. Thompson, thomp649@msu.edu and John Stone, jvstone@anr.msu.edu.
NIST Standards Services Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program Awardee (2015)
Fostering Standards Literacy in General Education
To develop and test course materials for standards education in courses required for all undergraduate students in MSU’s three Centers for Integrative Studies: Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences; and General Science by placing emphasis on the way standards are developed based on a combination of science, technologies, market influences, societal history, and politics.
MSU Assessment Instrument: Standards Literacy Early Assessment, Fall 2016
Final Summary Paper: Fostering Standards Literacy in General Education at an R1 Institution
Additionally, a paper was published about this award in the SES Journal and is available here: Standards as an Element of Liberal Education Fosters Scientific Literacy, Gabriel Ording, Osvaldo Hernandez, Ryan Kimbirauskas, Michigan State University (May/Jun 2017).
The contacts for this award are Gabriel Ording, ordingga@msu.edu; Paul B. Thompson, thomp649@msu.edu; John Stone, jvstone@anr.msu.edu; Lawrence Busch, lbusch@msu.edu; Osvaldo Hernandez, herna106@msu.edu; Ryan Kimbirauskas, kimbira1@msu.edu; and Thomas Smith, smitht48@msu.edu.
NIST Standards Services Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program Awardee (2017)
Promoting Scientific Literacy and Effective Citizenship Through Standards Education
To develop and embed multiple standards education modules in required large enrollment science lecture courses designed for non-STEM majors. Modules will foster scientific and quantitative literacies and engage students in the complex socioeconomic and ethical implications of standards development, implementation, and compliance in a variety of contexts.
Presentation: Promoting Scientific Literacy and Effective Citizenship by Infusing Standards Literacy in the Undergraduate General Sciences Curricula, Claudia E. Vergara, November 2019
Project Report: Promoting Scientific Literacy and Effective Citizenship through Standards Education, December 2019
The contacts for this award are Gabriel Ording, ordingga@msu.edu; Osvaldo Hernandez, herna106@msu.edu; Ryan Kimbirauskas, kimbira1@msu.edu; Claudia Vergara, vergara@msu.edu; Kyle Powys Whyte, kwhyte@msu.edu; and Lawrence Busch, lbusch@msu.edu.
This work was performed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institute of Standards and Technology or the U.S. Department of Commerce.