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SI Research in Journal of Research of NIST

 Papers on the International System of Units published in the Journal of Research of NIST by NIST researchers, dated 1904-2018.


  1. Zimmerman NM, Newell DB (2018) “What is The SI?” A Proposal for an Educational Adjunct to the Redefinition of the International System of Units. J Res Natl Inst Stan 123:123024. is external)
  2. Davis RS (2018) How to Define the Units of the Revised SI Starting from Seven Constants with Fixed Numerical Values. J Res Natl Inst Stan 123:123021. is external)
  3. Taylor BN (2018) Quantity Calculus, Fundamental Constants, and SI Units. J Res Natl Inst Stan 123:123008. is external)
  4. Flowers-Jacobs NE, Pollarolo A, Coakley KJ, Weis AC, Fox AE, Rogalla H, Tew WL, Benz SP (2017) The NIST Johnson Noise Thermometry System for the Determination of the Boltzmann Constant. 122. is external)
  5. Lombardi MA (2017) A Historical Review of U.S. Contributions to the Atomic Redefinition of the SI Second in 1967. 122. is external)
  6. Kubarych ZJ, Abbott PJ (2014) The Dissemination of Mass in the United States. 119. is external)
  7. Abbott PJ, Kubarych ZK (2013) The New Kilogram Definition and its Implications for High-Precision Mass Tolerance Classes. 118. is external)
  8. Taylor BN (2011) The current SI seen from the perspective of the proposed new SI. 116(6). is external)
  9. Steiner R, Newell D, Williams E (2005) Details of the 1998 watt balance experiment determining the Planck constant. 110(1). is external)
  10. Swyt DA (2001) Length and dimensional measurements at NIST. 106(1). is external)
  11. Parr AC (2001) The candela and photometric and radiometric measurements. 106(1). is external)
  12. Mangum BW, Furukawa GT, Kreider KG, Meyer CW, Ripple DC, Strouse GF, Tew WL, Moldover MR, Johnson BC, Yoon HW, Gibson CE, Saunders RD (2001) The Kelvin and temperature measurements. 106(1). is external)
  13. Jabbour ZJ, Yaniv SL (2001) The kilogram and measurements of mass and force. 106(1). is external)
  14. Gills TE, Dittman S, Rumble JR, Brickenkamp CS, Harris GL, Trahey NM (2001) NIST mechanisms for disseminating measurements. 106(1). is external)
  15. Elmquist RE, Cage ME, Tang YH, Jeffery AM, Kinard JR, Dziuba RF, Oldham NM, Williams ER (2001) The ampere and electrical standards. 106(1). is external)
  16. Ohno Y (1997) Improved photometric standards and calibration procedures at NIST. 102(3). is external)
  17. Cromer CL, Eppeldauer G, Hardis JE, Larason TC, Ohno Y, Parr AC (1996) The NIST detector-based luminous intensity scale. 101(2). is external)
  18. Taylor BN, Cohen ER (1990) Recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: A status report. 95(5). is external)
  19. Davis RS (1990) New assignment of mass values and uncertainties to NIST working standards. 95(1). is external)
  20. Taylor BN (1989) Special report on electrical standards - New internationally adopted reference standards of voltage and resistance. 94(2). is external)
  21. Taylor BN (1987) Special report on electrical standards - Report on the 17th session of the Consultative Committee on Electricity. 92(1). is external)
  22. Mielenz KD (1987) International intercomparisons of photometric base units. 92(5). is external)
  23. Jennings DA, Drullinger RE, Evenson KM, Pollock CR, Wells JS (1987) The continuity of the meter - the redefinition of the meter and the speed of visible-light. 92(1). is external)
  24. Cohen ER, Taylor BN (1987) The 1986 CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants. 92(2). is external)
  25. Taylor BN (1986) Possible Changes in the U.S. Legal Units of Voltage and Resistance. 91(5). is external)
  26. Taylor BN (1985) New results from previously reported NBS fundamental constant determinations. 90(2). is external)
  27. Davis RS (1985) Recalibration of the U.S. national prototype kilogram. 90(4). is external)
  28. Ramsey NF (1983) History of Atomic Clocks. 88(5). is external)
  29. Olsen PT, Phillips WD, Williams ER (1980) A proposed coil system for the improved realization of the absolute ampere. 85(4). is external)
  30. Furukawa GT, Riddle JL, Bigge WR (1976) The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 in the region 90.188 K to 903.89 K as maintained at the National Bureau of Standards. 80A(3). is external)
  31. Curtis HL (1944) Review of recent absolute determinations of the ohm and the ampere. 33(4). is external)
  32. Wensel HT (1939) International temperature scale and some related physical constants. 22(4). is external)
  33. Curtis HL, Curbs RW (1934) An absolute determination of the ampere. 12(6). is external)
  34. Vinal GW (1932) International comparison of electrical standards. 8(6). is external)

Co-author network where node size corresponds to the number of times the author's papers were cited.

Map of author-supplied keywords where node size corresponds to frequency of appearance in articles.

Source: Web of Science
Created March 27, 2018, Updated February 28, 2019