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Success Story: 3D Printing Project Yields Quick Results

3D Printing Project Yields Quick Results

Based in Jackson, Mississippi, United Plastic Molders (UPM) is a full-service custom injection molding and tooling provider with complete design and machining capabilities. The company was founded in 1978 and remains one of the oldest molding companies in Mississippi. UPM owes much of its success to its loyal and dedicated customers, as the company has always depended on "word of mouth" advertising. Beginning with just six team members and four machines, UPM has since expanded to include six buildings and a workforce of approximately 60 employees.

UPM was developing a new kitchen product, and was in need of a quick prototype to evaluate and concept-test the product with its customer. For assistance, UPM Owner Bill Hoge decided to reach out to the local MEP Center that is part of the MEP National NetworkTM, the Mississippi Manufacturers Association Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MMA-MEP) at the Mississippi Polymer Institute (MPI).

The MMA-MEP Center at MPI is doing a good job. They know what they are talking about and keep up with all of the latest technology in the polymer industry. If we have a problem, they are willing to spend the time to find the answer.  —Bill Hoge, Owner

As is typical for 3D printing projects, the process moved very quickly. UPM provided its 3D design file to the MMA-MEP Center at MPI and did not have to wait long to receive a quote. Upon approval, the Center printed the part and shipped it overnight to UPM for a total turnaround time of three days. UPM delivered the prototype to the customer and moved forward with the product development process, generating a positive financial impact for the company.


  • Prototyped a new kitchen faucet and delivered to customer in 3 days
  • Over $500,000 in capital improvement and new sales

Could your company benefit from assistance with product development? Contact your local MEP Center for more information.


MEP National Network Logo
The Mississippi Manufacturers Association Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MMA-MEP) is the official representative of the  MEP National Network™ in Mississippi. The MEP National Network™ is a unique public-private partnership that delivers comprehensive, proven solutions to U.S. manufacturers, fueling growth and advancing U.S. manufacturing.

About the author

Mississippi Manufacturers Association Manufacturing Extension Partnership

MMA-MEP is a non-profit organization that helps Mississippi manufacturers to be globally competitive. With our manufacturing experts and network of industry resources, we provide the change that makes the significant difference between surviving and thriving. MMA-MEP is a catalyst for strengthening American manufacturing — accelerating its ongoing transformation into a more efficient and powerful engine of innovation driving economic growth and job creation. Our community college and university-based MEP Mississippi Centers provide small- and medium-sized manufacturers the tools to innovate, create and retain jobs, increase profits, and save time and money.

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