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ERP Implementation Helps Farm Equipment Manufacturer Support Future Growth

ERP Implementation Helps Farm Equipment Manufacturer Support Future Growth

Doyle Equipment Manufacturing Company is a leading manufacturer of equipment for blending, conveying, tending and spreading dry fertilizers. Founded in 1951, the company has prospered through four generations of the Doyle family and grown to over one hundred employees. In 2016, Doyle consolidated most of its manufacturing and administrative functions in Palmyra, Missouri, where it built a new 220,000 square foot facility near its sister company, Riverview Manufacturing. Doyle prides itself on its strong customer focus, perceptive leadership, and ability to produce flexible, quality products backed by industry-leading service.

Doyle recognized the importance of garnering the knowledge and expertise of long-serving employees who were nearing retirement. Losing the experience of critical employees can dramatically impede operational efficiency and productivity, especially as companies expand and prepare for additional growth. To combat the potential loss of tribal knowledge, Doyle decided to introduce an Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) to capture and consolidate “islands of information” into one integrated system. Facing the immense task of properly implementing an ERP, company leaders turned to Missouri Enterprise, part of the MEP National NetworkTM, for guidance.

With Missouri Enterprise’s guidance and expertise, we looked at many potential ERP solutions and examined their ability to meet our needs. Missouri Enterprise was a critical part of our ability to make these big and bold changes to position our company for profitable growth well into the future.  —Catie Doyle, Support Systems Manager

To kick off the ERP initiative, project managers from Missouri Enterprise conducted a Value Stream Mapping (VSM) exercise. The VSM identified the internal processes at Doyle and laid the foundation for a project charter. Next, Missouri Enterprise created a cross-functional steering committee led by the Doyle family leadership team. The steering committee participated in a training on the basics of Supply Chain Management, the first module of the the American Production and Inventory Control Society - Certified Production and Inventory Management (APICS CPIM). Through this training, the team learned to focus on the business needs of the users, and to appreciate the requirements for data cleanliness. They identified several key requirements for successfully implementing the ERP system, including: a powerful computing systems configurator, full exploitation of Doyle’s ATO environment (Assemble To Order), the consolidation of "islands of automation," focus on growth and market potential, and a laser-focus on the "user-friendliness" of their products. Through its investment in the ERP system, Doyle increased sales significantly while retaining existing sales and jobs.


  • $5,000,000 in new sales
  • $10,000,000 in retained sales
  • Cost savings of $500,000
  • New investment of $1,690,000
  • 115 jobs increased/retained

Could your company benefit from assistance with implementing an ERP system? Contact your local MEP Center for more information.


MEP National Network Logo
Missouri Enterprise is the official representative of the  MEP National Network™ in Missouri. The MEP National Network is a unique public-private partnership that delivers comprehensive, proven solutions to U.S. manufacturers, fueling growth and advancing U.S. manufacturing.

About the author

Missouri Enterprise

Missouri Enterprise was founded in 1983 and our mission is really quite simple. It’s to help Missouri businesses, like yours, succeed. To do that, we provide a broad range of hands-on business, technical and manufacturing optimization services, delivered by an experienced, “been there, done that,” staff and a comprehensive network of public and private partners. We help Missouri manufacturers build cultures to support and sustain continuous improvement.

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