NIST Standards Services Group Education Challenge Grant Awardee (2012)
In FY2012, two awards were given to the Standards Engineering Society (SES), now known as SES - The Society for Standards Professionals to collaborate on this project with Purdue University. The awards introduced e-learning modules into the STEM curriculum at Purdue University through a one-hour online course module called "Using Standards in the Workplace" and four case-studies. The module and case studies focus on real-word applications of standards and provide information about the types and benefits of standards for these applications, including examples of organizations that develop standards. The case studies demonstrate the need for safety standards using a forklift, tailhook, nail gun, and cruise ship as examples. Access to the Multimedia Case Studies and the "Using Standards in the Workplace" course is available here.
Purdue University also utilized other available e-learning modules to complement their curriculum. The "Standards Aware" series, a collection of eight self-paced online course modules which take approximately one-hour each to complete, focuses on how STEM disciplines use and rely on standards in a variety of applications. Standards Aware includes the following modules: 1.) What Are Standards?; 2.) Why Are Standards Used?; 3.) Standards Developing Organizations; 4.) Standards Development Process; 5.) Standards and Trade; 6.) Conformity Assessment; 7.) Strategic Standardization; 8.) and Finding Standards. The "Standards Aware" e-learning modules are available here.
Final summary papers for these awards are available:
Additionally, a paper was published in the SES Journal about these awards and is available on the SES website: SES Projects to Integrate Standards in Education Curriculum, Diane C. Thompson, SES (Mar/Apr 2014).
The SES contact for these projects is the Standards Engineering Society, admin [at] (admin[at]ses-standards[dot]org).
This work was performed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institute of Standards and Technology or the U.S. Department of Commerce.