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5591: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Liquid-Measuring Systems

This 4-1/2 day seminar will teach students how to properly inspect and test LPG metering systems; that is, perform an official examination by properly applying all applicable NIST Handbook 44 requirements, which are outlined in NIST EPO 26. The sessions will include formal lecture, class discussion, group exercises, audio-visual presentations, and some hands-on practice.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, you should be able to:

  • IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE the major types of metering systems used for commercial measurement and delivery of LPG liquid;
  • DESCRIBE the design and operation of typical LPG metering systems and their major components, especially those involved in measuring, indicating, recording, and delivering product;
  • LIST and DESCRIBE basic safety procedures and equipment, including emergency procedures, employed in examining LPG liquid-measuring systems;
  • IDENTIFY appropriate test equipment used for testing these metering systems in the field and describe procedures for setup, operation, and maintenance of this equipment;
  • DESCRIBE procedures for inspecting LPG metering systems to determine whether they conform with specifications and other requirements set forth in NIST Handbook 44 and in accordance with NIST Examination Procedure Outlines for Weighing and Measuring Devices;
  • DESCRIBE procedures for testing these metering systems in the field to determine whether or not they conform to performance requirements set forth in the latest edition of NIST Handbook 44, “Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices;” and
  • DESCRIBE post-examination tasks that must be performed upon completion of an official field examination, including documentation and recordkeeping.

Materials & Supplies:

A 2-inch notebook with course materials and a current NIST Handbook 44 will be provided at the start of class.


Participants must have completed the NIST Handbook-44 Self Study course found at: Legal Devices - Training Materials.



Minimum Requirement(s):

Students must be in attendance for the entire class and actively participate in all class activities. You will be assessed on your application of all learning objectives for this course.


State weights and measures officials. Industry by invitation only.


There is no registration fee for this training. However, participants are responsible for their travel, lodging and meal expenses.


Tina Butcher and Scott Simmons (CO)
Phone: 301 - 975 - 2196

Technology Requirement(s):

You must bring a calculator with at least basic 4-function capability (cell phone calculators are NOT recommended), a pencil, and an eraser. Participants may bring laptops; however, laptops are not required for the class.


Tennessee Department of Agriculture W&M
NIST Office of Weights and Measures

Created April 17, 2019, Updated May 2, 2019