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Neutron Techniques and Instrumentation

We have led the development of two thermal triple-axis instruments at the NCNR.  The first of these was the BT-2 polarized beam instrument, which was developed in the time period 1984-87 as a cooperation between the University of Maryland while a Professor of Physics there, the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST), and the National Science Foundation.  It was decommisioned in 2005 and shipped to the reactor neutron facility at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Most recently we have designed, developed, installed, and commissioned the BT-7 Double-focusing Thermal Triple Axis Instrument, funded by the NCNR and became fully operational in 2011.  We have also participated in the development of MACS, which is a cooperative program between the NCNR, NSF, and Johns Hopkins University.   Currently we are designing a new PoLAR cold multi-axis spectrometer,  where the guide portion of the spectrometer has been engineered and is being installed during the long reactor shutdown.

In addition to these neutron spectrometers, we have participated in the development of a number of neutron techniques and neutron instrumentation.  Following are some links and publications.


BT-7 Instrument Publication:  Please reference the following article in publications: 

Double Focusing Thermal Triple Axis Spectrometer at the NCNR J. W. Lynn, Y. Chen, S. Chang, Y. Zhao, S. Chi, W. Ratcliff, II, B. G. Ueland, and R. W. Erwin, Journal of Research of NIST 117, 61-79 (2012).

ScanMapper/Spurion Quickstart guide  (Scan Mapper is now available in DAVE under planning tools)

BT-7 Double-focusing Thermal Triple Axis Instrument

BT-7 Tutorial/Summer Schools

The Tutorial for BT-7 was held February 16, 2011, and the Dynamics Summer Schools have been  held June , 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017.  Here is the experimental description for the experiment and data analysis carried out for the BT-7 thermal triple axis instrument.

Introduction to Neutron (and X-ray) Scattering Techniques, J. W. Lynn, presented at the Fundamentals of Quantum Materials Winter School, University of Maryland (January, 2017). 

Neutron and X-ray scattering lecture at the University of Texas, April, 2021.

Magnetic Scattering, J. W. Lynn and B. Keimer, in Handbook of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, ed. by Michael Coey and Stuart Parkin, Springer Nature’s Major Reference Work (2021); [preprint].

Instrumentation Publications:

Iron-Germanium Multilayer Neutron Polarizing Monochromators, J. W. Lynn, J. K. Kjems, L. Passell, A. M. Saxena, B. P. Schoenborn, J. Appl. Cryst. 9, 454 (1976).

Production of Ultra-Cold Neutrons Using Doppler-Shifted Bragg Scattering and an Intense Pulsed Neutron Spallation Source, T. Dombeck, J. W. Lynn, S. A. Werner, T. Brun, J. Carpenter, V. Krohn and R. Ringo, Nuc. Instr. Meth. 165, 139 (1979).

Measurement of Ultracold Neutrons Produced by Using Doppler-Shifted Bragg Reflection at a Pulsed-Neutron Source, T. Brun, J. Carpenter, V. Krohn, G. Ringo, J. Cronin, T. Dombeck, J. Lynn, and S. A. Werner, Phys. Lett. 75A, 223 (1980).

A Time-of-Flight Spectrometer for Ultra-Cold Neutrons, J. W. Lynn, W. A. Miller, T. W. Dombeck, G. R. Ringo, V. E. Krohn and M. S. Freedman, Physica 120B, 114 (1983).

Resolution Effects for Systems with Strong Dispersion, J. W. Lynn and H. A. Mook, Physica 136B, 94 (1986).

Helium Condensation Observed in Small Angle Neutron Scattering, J. W. Lynn, Physica 136B, 117 (1986).

Small Angle Neutron Scattering Method for In Situ Studies of the Dense Cores of Biological Cells and Vesicles:  Application to Isolated Neurosecretory Vesicles, S. Krueger, J. W. Lynn, J. T. Russell and R. Nossal, J. Appl. Cryst. 22, 546 (1989).

Resolution Considerations for Polarized Triple-Axis Spectrometry, N. Rosov, J. W. Lynn, and R. W. Erwin, Physica B 180-181, 1003 (1992).

New Exact Solution of the one Dimensional Schrödinger Equation and Its Application to Polarized Neutron Reflectometry, H. Zhang and J. W. Lynn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 77 (1993).

Magnetic Neutron Scattering, J. W. Lynn, J. Appl. Phys. 75, 6806 (1994).

Analytic Calculation of Polarized Neutron Reflectivity from Superconductors, H. Zhang and J. W. Lynn, Phys. Rev. B 48, 15893 (1993).

Laue Focusing Effect and Its Applications, V. V. Kvardakov, V. A. Somenkov, S. Sh. Shilstein, J. W. Lynn, D. R. R. Mildner and H. Chen-Meyer, Physica B 241-243, 1210 (1998).

Search for Effects on Neutron Transmission due to Multiple Reflection by Glass Capillary Walls, R. E. Benenson, H. H. Chen-Mayer, and J. W. Lynn, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3767, 336 (1999).

SANS Polarization Analysis with Nuclear Spin-Polarized 3He, T. R. Gentile, G. L. Jones, A. K. Thompson, J. G. Barker, C. J. Glinka, B. Hammouda, J. W. Lynn, J. Appl. Cryst. 33, 771 (2000).

Magnetic Neutron Scattering, J. W. Lynn, in Methods in Materials Research:  A Current Protocols Publication, edited by E. N. Kaufmann, R. Abbaschian, A. Bocarsly, C-L. Chien, D. Dollimore, B. Doyle, A. Goldman, R. Gronsky, S. Pearton, and J. Sanchez (John Wiley & Sons, 2000), Chap. 13.b.2.

3He Neutron Spin Filters for a Thermal Neutron Triple Axis Spectrometer, W. C. Chen, G. Armstrong, Y. Chen, B. Collett, R. Erwin, T. R. Gentile, G. L. Jones, J. W. Lynn, S. McKenney and J. E. Steinberg, Physica B 397, 168 (2007).

MACS–a new high intensity cold neutron spectrometer at NIST, J. A. Rodriguez, D M Adler, P C Brand, C Broholm, J C Cook, C Brocker, R Hammond, Z Huang, P Hundertmark, J W Lynn, N C Maliszewskyj, J Moyer, J Orndorff, D Pierce, T D Pike, G Scharfstein, S A Smee and R Vilaseca, Meas. Sci. Technol. 19, 034023 (2008).

Applications of 3He Neutron Spin Filters at the NCNR, W. C. Chen, R. Erwin, J. W. McIver III, S. Watson, C. B. Fu, T. R. Gentile, J. A. Borchers, J. W. Lynn, and G. L. Jones, Physica 404B, 2663 (2009).

Nitrogen Contamination in Elastic Neutron Scattering, Songxue Chi, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Ying Chen, William Ratcliff II, Benjamin G. Ueland, Nicholas P. Butch, Shanta R. Saha, Kevin Kirshenbaum and Johnpierre Paglione, Meas. Sci. Technol. 22, 047001 (2011). (click here for an extended preprint version).

Double Focusing Thermal Triple Axis Spectrometer at the NCNR J. W. Lynn, Y. Chen, S. Chang, Y. Zhao, S. Chi, W. Ratcliff, II, B. G. Ueland, and R. W. Erwin, NIST Journal of Research, Journal of Research of NIST 117, 61-79 (2012).

Spurious Peaks Arising from Multiple Scattering Events Involving the Sample Environment in Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Lothar Pintschovius, Dmitry Reznik, Frank Weber, Philippe Bourges, Dan Parshall, Ranjal Mittal, Samrath LaI Chaplot, Rolf Heid, Thomas Wolf, Daniel Lamago, and Jeffrey W. Lynn, J. Appl. Cryst. 47, (2014).

International Workshop on Utilization of Research Reactors, São Paulo, Brazil (2017), Frederico Genezini, Artur W. Carbonari, and Jeffrey W. Lynn, Neutron News 29, Issue 1, 2-3 (2018)

Anomalous Neutron Nuclear-Magnetic Interference Spectroscopy, Chuliang Fu, Phum Siriviboon, Artittaya Boonkird, Michael Landry, Kiran Mak, Jeffrey Lynn, Chen Li, Weiwei Xie, Avishek Maity, Masaaki Matsuda, and Mingda Li (submitted).


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Created January 25, 2020, Updated February 21, 2025